Consider a time series:
This series can also be written as a function of time $X(t)$, so that:
$X_1,X_2,...X_{n-1},X_n = X(t_1),X(t_2),...X(t_{n-1}),X(t_n)$
Most forecasting methods, such as ARIMA or Exponential Smoothing, will try to model the time series based on some temporal dependence structure. That is, they will try to find a mapping between future values and past values of the series, which can be written as:
$\hat{X_i} = f(X_{i-1},X_{i-2},...)$
The idea here is that if we want to predict a time series based on it's historical data, then we want to discover the dependence structure between past and future values.
Another approach, not as commonly used, is to model the time series directly as a function of time:
$\hat{X}(t) = f(t)$
With $f(t)$ determined by some (linear or non-linear) regression against time itself as a variable (instead of as a function of past values).
This is the approach that is used, for example, by the Facebook Prophet algorithm.
Is there any way of recovering the first type of model from the second type?
If I have managed to find a good model of the type:
$\hat{X}(t) = f(t)$
Is there any way to go from $\hat{X}(t) = f(t)$ $\rightarrow$ $\hat{X}_i = f(X_{i-1},X_{i-2},...)$ ?