A very similar question has been asked before, but it didn't get a real answer.
I would like to develop a probability model for a continuous, ratio-scale random variable $Y$. Let's say it represents the annual total income of a household.
I also have several covariates, collectively called $X$, that are predictive of annual household income.
I'm using a standard regression model setup. I want to model $log(Y)$ with a Gaussian regression model, using the $X$ variables as predictors: $$ \log\left(Y\right) \sim \mathcal{N}\left(\beta X, \sigma^2\right) $$ where $\beta$ and $\sigma$ are model parameters to be estimated. My goal is to estimate $P\left(Y|X=x\right)$.
The challenge
I have a dataset containing $N$ observations from different households (assume they're IID conditional on $X$), indexed by $n$.
In one subset of the observations (denoted $A$), the collected data is continuous, but noisy. These heads of household were asked "what is your total household income?"
In the remaining observations, $B$, the collected data is binned into tiers, e.g. "\$10,000 - \$30,000". The bin widths are not necessarily constant in linear or log space. For each of these observations, I know the range of possible $y$ values, but not the actual value.
How can I use the information from the $B$ observations to fit my model?
Some ideas
- Bin the data in $A$ using the same bins as in $B$.
- Replace the binned values in $B$ with the bin midpoints
- Replace the binned values in $B$ with data sampled uniformly from the bin; repeat $K$ times and analyze using standard techniques for multiple imputation.
- Fit two models: a continuous model on $A$ and some kind of latent-variable model on $B$. The conditional distribution of $Y$ is a mixture of both, weighted by the relative sizes of the $A$ and $B$ sets.
1 and 2 sound bad to me. 3 is straightforward but seems hacky, and I'm afraid might give poor results. 4 is enticing but I'm not sure what kind of model would be needed.
An extended challenge
I now have 3 observation groups: $A$, $B$, and $C$. The $A$ data set is continuous, and the $B$ and $C$ data sets are binned. $B$ and $C$ use different bins.
How can I fit this model using the data from $A$, $B$, and $C$?