I'm interested in modelling a time series of temperature data across several years. The data are on the level of hourly observations, so I have variables for year, month, day, and time.
I found a great example of doing this by Gavin Simpson (found here). The blog only considers correlation within year, where as I have to deal with correlation within year and within day.
How can I best account for this correlation with gamm? Gavin uses the following code
modar2 <- gamm(apparentTemperature ~ s(month, bs = "cc", k = 12) + s(time, k = 20),data = timetemp, correlation = corARMA(form = ~ 1|year, p = 2),control = ctrl)
Where should I pass variables to account for correlation within day?
For reference, here is a sample of my data:
~created_at, ~time, ~month, ~year,
"2014-01-03 09:30:28", 9.5, 1, 2014, -17.87,
"2014-01-03 10:13:43", 10.2166666666667, 1, 2014, -17.87,
"2014-01-03 12:19:32", 12.3166666666667, 1, 2014, -16.14,
"2014-01-03 12:44:04", 12.7333333333333, 1, 2014, -20.24,
"2014-01-03 13:09:38", 13.15, 1, 2014, -20.24,
"2014-01-03 13:39:00", 13.65, 1, 2014, -20.44