Typically Kalman Filter or any other time series forecasting methods use a single step prediction - update step.
For eg: Let us say I have sensor data collected at every 1ms.
Let z denote measurement and x denote true state.
i.e at t = 100ms I have $z_0, z_1, z_2, ... z_{100}$.
Now typically in the prediction step we predict $x_{101}$ and in the next timestep, we update the state parameters when we have a new measurement $z_{101}$.
But what if i need to predict $x_{110}$ at t=100ms?
My initial idea was to use 10ms as the timestep.
at t = 100ms, we have $z_0, z_{10}, z_{20},...z_{100}$. We can now predict $x_{110}$. But this is essentially wasting so much sensor data.
Is there a better way to approach this problem in general?