Given the statistical model $(\mathbb N_0^n, P(\mathbb N_0^n),\operatorname{Poi}(\vartheta)^{\otimes n}:\vartheta >0)$, $T(X)=X_1X_2$ is an unbiased estimator of $\vartheta^2$. I want to improve this estimator using the statistic $$U(X)=\sum_{i=1}^n X_i$$
It is well known that $U(X)$ is complete and sufficient. Thus by Lehmann-Scheffé $$E\left(X_1X_2\mid\sigma(\sum X_i)\right)$$ is UMVU. I calculated $$E(X_1X_2\mid \sigma(\sum X_i))=X_1E(X_2\mid \sigma(\sum X_i)=X_1E(X_1\mid \sigma(\sum X_i)=\frac{X_1}{n}\biggr(E(X_1\mid \sigma(\sum X_i)+X_1E(X_2\mid \sigma(\sum X_i)+\dots X_1E(X_n\mid \sigma(\sum X_i)\biggl)=X_1E(X_1+\dots +X_n \mid \sigma(\sum X_i)\biggl)=\frac {X_1(\sum_{i=1}^n X_i)}{n}$$. I used several times that $X_i$ is iid, in the first equation I used that $X_1X_2$ is $\sigma(\sum X_i)$ measurable, i.e. $E(X_1X_2 \mid \sigma (\sum X_i)=X_1E(X_2 \mid \sigma (\sum X_i))$
But this has to be wrong because I checked if this estimator is unbiased for $\vartheta^2$, but it is not! Therefore I conclude that I am missing something, probably my attempt is wrong. How is this done correctly?