I've recently run into a situation where I know a few probability points in the tail of a distribution and I want to "fit" a distribution that goes through these points in the tail. I realize this is messy and not overly accurate, and plagued with conceptual issues. However, trust me that I really want to do this.
So effectively I know some points in the tail of the CDF with x
being the values and y
being the probability of that value or smaller. Here's R code to illustrate my data:
x <- c(0.55, 0.6, 0.65, 0.7, 0.75, 0.8, 0.85)
y <- c(0.0666666666666667, 0.0625, 0.0659340659340659, 0.0563106796116505,
0.0305676855895196, 0.0436953807740325, 0.0267459138187221)
Then I create a function to minimize error between my data and a beta distribution CDF using pbeta
. I use SSE as a fit metric then minimize that with -sum
. I throw in an initial guess as the first param to optim
of (9, .8)
although I've tried this with different guesses and I always get the same result. The starting point guess I use comes from manually cooking up parameters by hand that seem close.
# function to optomize with optim
beta_func <- function(par, x) -sum( (pbeta( x, par[1], par[2]) - y)**2 )
out <- optim(c(9,.8), beta_func, lower=c(1,.5), upper=c(200,200), method="L-BFGS-B", x=x)
out <- out$par
#> [1] 0.90000 23.40294
Below I graph the 'optimized' beta distribution in red, my actual data in blue, and a hand tweaked starting guess of the beta parameters in black.
plot(function(x) pbeta(x, shape1=out[1], shape2=out[2] ), 0, 1.5, col='red')
plot(function(x) pbeta(x, 9,.8), 0, 1.5, col='black', add=TRUE)
lines(x,y, col='blue')
I can't grok what's going on with optim
to give a solution that's worse than my starting guess. I calculated the SSE for my starting guess vs the optim
solution and it looks like my guess has a much larger -SSE:
# my guess
-sum( (pbeta( x, 9, .8) - y)**2)
#> [1] -0.03493344
# optim's output
-sum( (pbeta( x, .9, 23) - y)**2)
#> [1] -6.314587
Using past history as my Bayesian prior, my guess is that I'm misunderstanding optim
or feeding it improper inputs. However, I can't grok what's going on. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
I've tried using the CG
optimization method, but the results are not meaningfully different and still don't seem near as good as my starting guess.
out <- optim(c(9,.8), beta_func, method="CG", x=x)
out <- out$par
#> [1] 2.287611 11.124736
do my bidding. $\endgroup$