I'm looking at effects of tree mortality (using "Biomass loss") on forest growth patterns. I incorporate loss into a mixed effects model like so (using lmer
in R):
lmer(GrowthRate ~ Year + BiomassLoss + (1 + Year | Plot), data = dat, REML = F)
However, BiomassLoss
is negative (i.e., the range of the actual values is -50 to 0
So when I examine my model estimates, how do I interpret the estimate for Biomassloss
95% Confidence Intervals
Estimate Lower Upper
(Intercept) 7.97955622 6.44676081 9.51907782
Year 0.02984233 0.01092181 0.04854870
BiomassLoss 0.09893282 0.06394322 0.13372741
Normally (i.e., for a predictor on a positive scale), the estimate can be interpreted as:
For every unit increase of the predictor, the
will increase by the value of the predictor's estimate.
But how does this work for a negatively-scaled predictor?
Does "every unit increase" of a negatively-scaled predictor mean:
as it becomes less negative (i.e., as it increases in value) or
as it becomes more negative (i.e., as it increases in magnitude) ?
In other words, do I interpret my results as:
for every unit less of biomass lost my intercept increases by
for every unit more (i.e., every unit lost) my intercept increases by
This is important so I can understand if mortality is having a positive or negative impact on the trend...