As many algorithms can be viewed as optimization problems through the Loss function, I was wondering if such a loss function existed for LDA (linear classification). And if yes, what would it be ?
I already know these:
- For SVM: $L_{Hinge}(y,x,w)=max(0,1-yw^tx),y\in\{-1,1\}$
- For Logistic Regression: $L_{Log}(y,x,w) =log(1+e^{-yw^tx}), ,y\in \{-1,1\}$,
- For Perceptron: $L_{Perceptron}(y,x,w)=max(0,-yw^tx),y\in \{-1,1\}$
where $x$ stand for the feature, $y$ the label and $w$ the parameter of the hyperplane we have to find.
Edit: Thanks a lot for your help but i don't know if i am clear enough. I am looking for the loss for 1 instance as if i were about to implement a stochastig gradient descent. Perhaps i miss something among your answers...