I have been reading a ton of stuff online and have a question about my understanding of Dirichlet Process Mixtures. First some basics on what I understand:
Dirichlet Distribution: multivariate generalization of beta distribution
Probability measure: function that assigns subsets to values in [0,1] (a probability)
Dirichlet Process (DP): $P$, a probability measure, is a DP if for every finite disjoint partition $S_1,S_2,\dots S_n$ of space $\omega$, the following is true:
($P(S_1), P(S_2),\dots P(S_n)$) has Dirichlet Distribution with parameters $\alpha *P_0(S_1), \alpha * P_0(S_2),\dots\alpha * P_0(S_n)$
where $E(P(S_i)) = P_0$
Ok, I get it so far. Let's move onto Dirichlet Process MIXTURES
Dirichlet Process Mixture = hierarchical model where
$x_i | \theta_i$ has distribution $f_\theta$
$\theta_1, \theta_2\dots\theta_n$ has distribution $P$
$P$ is a Dirichlet Process with params $\alpha$ and $P_0$
So let me check to see if I understand these 3 lines correctly
What first line is saying:
a point $x$ comes from a distribution, let's say $f_\theta$ = normal with parameters $\mu = 0$ and $\sigma = 1$
What the second and third line are saying is:
My space omega is partitioned into parameter subsets. So let's say our components are normals. So $\theta_1$ = mean 0 with std 1, $\theta_2$ = mean 3 with std 5, ...
So in essence $\omega = \theta_1 \cup \theta_2 \cup \dots$
So $P(\theta_i)$ = probability of us getting the parameter set $i$
Since $P$ is a DP,
$(P(\theta_1), P(\theta_2)\dots)$ has distribution $\mathrm{Dir}(\alpha * P_0(\theta_1), \alpha * P_0(\theta_2)\dots)$
Am I correct?