Sorry if this is a very basic question, but I don’t have much experience with statistics.
Say I have 2 groups. Each groups have about 1000 patients each. The first group is treated by a drug in an interval of 10 years with (patients can be treated in different years independently from each other) and the second group is an untreated control group. The control group and the treated group are measured in the same exact years.
The data in both groups is a score of how well they’re doing where each patient has a score for each year (the treated patients also have scores before their treatments).
I’m thinking doing maybe a student’s t-test to find out what the correlation is between the two groups. I’m thinking an independent two-sided t-test. Do you think this would be meaningful?
I’m also thinking about using a regressional model to maybe implement the treatment years.
Could there be any other statistical methods I could use?
I’m sorry if this question is not well-formulated enough, please feel free to ask me about anything additional.