A general method for creating sparse solutions is via MAP estimation with a zero mean normal prior with an unknown variance.
$$p(x_i|\sigma_i^2)\sim N(0,\sigma_i^2)$$
If you then assign a prior to $\sigma_i^2$ which has a mode at zero then the posterior mode is usually sparse. The $L_1$ arises from this approach by taking an exponential mixing distribution.
$$p(\sigma_i^2|\lambda)\sim Expo\left(\frac{\lambda^2}{2}\right)$$
Then you get
$$\log[p(x_i|\lambda)]=-\lambda | x_i|+\log\left[\frac{\lambda}{2}\right]$$
Some alternatives are the generalised double pareto, half cauchy, inverted beta. In some sense these are better than lasso because they do not shrink large values. In fact I'm pretty sure the generalised double pareto can be written as a mixture of exponentials. That is we write $\lambda=\lambda_i$ and then place a gamma prior $p(\lambda_i|\alpha\beta)$. We get:
Note that I have included normalising constants, as they help choose good global parameters. Now if we apply the range restriction then we have a more complicated problem, as we need to renormalise over the simplex.
Another generic feature of sparsity inducing penalties is that they are not differentiable at zero. Usually this is because the left and right limits are of opposite sign.
This is based on the brilliant work by Nicolas Polson and James Scott on variance mean mixture representations which they use to develop TIRLS - a massive extension of least squares to a very large class of loss-penalty combinations.
As an alternative you could use a prior which is defined on the simplex, but has modes in the marginal distributions at zero. One example is the dirichlet distribution with all parameters between 0 and 1. The implied penalty would look like:
$$-\sum_{i=1}^{n-1}(a_i-1)\log(x_i) - (a_n-1)\log(1-\sum_{i=1}^{n-1}x_i)$$
Where $0<a_i<1$. However you would need to be careful in optimising numerically as the penalty has singularities. A more robust estimation process is to use the posterior mean. Although you lose exact sparseness you will get many posterior means that are close to zero.p