Suppose I have a random variable $T_j \sim Bernoulli(p_j)$ where $logit(p_j) = \theta x_j + \epsilon_j$ and where $\epsilon_j \sim \mathcal{N}(0,1)$. Suppose further that $\theta = 0.018$ and that I have 100 observations of $T$. Here is a simulation:
# Simulation of T
n <- 100
X <- rpois(n = n, lambda = 10)
E <- rnorm(n = n, mean = 0, sd = 1)
theta <- 0.018
pj <- exp(theta*X + E)/(1 + exp(theta*X + E))
T <- rbinom(n = n, size = 1, prob = pj)
Now suppose I have the following 2 models:
- $\mathcal{M_B}$: this is the baseline model where $\hat{p}_j = \bar{T} = 0.6$ where the latter equality is based on the simulation above.
# Baseline model
# T
# 0 1
# 40 60
- $\mathcal{M_R}$: logistic regression model with $\hat{\theta}=0.043$
# Logistic Regression model
theta.hat <- coef(glm(formula = T ~ X - 1, family = binomial(link = "logit")))
# 0.0430746
The goal is saying something about the "potential" of $P(T=1)$. From $\mathcal{M_B}$ I know that my baseline is $\hat{P}(T=1) = 0.6$. What I would like to say is that we could reduce this chance by some amount $\gamma = \frac{P(T = 1 | \mathcal{M_R})}{P(T = 1 | \mathcal{M_B})}$ if we utilized optimally the explanatory power of $\mathcal{M_R}$.
I am having trouble conceptualizing $\gamma$ in a theoretical-correct way.
One way that seems plausible is to run $\mathcal{M_R}$ over the whole feature space of $X$ and note the minimal $\hat{p}_j$. Thus $p_{min} = argmin_{X_{opt}}P(T = 1|\mathcal{M_R}, X)$. Assuming I don't know the feature space of $X$ I can only estimate $\hat{X}_{opt}$ based on my observed $X$ as follows:
# Determination of minimal pj attainable when fully
# utilizing the explanatory power of the LR model.
# Emirical estimation
pj.hat <- exp(theta.hat*X)/(1 + exp(theta.hat*X))
# 0.5322611
Then I can estimate $\gamma$:
# Gamma estimation
# 0.8871018
Obviously $\gamma$ is an estimate and has an error. Error can be estimated by bootstrapping everything. But my main concern is whether my approach is sound and whether someone has other ideas for tackling this problem?
Some of my other failed approaches:
- Classical $\frac{Var(T|X)}{Var(T)}$, but I don't see a way to link it to $\gamma$.
- Define mistake $M = T \text{ xor } \hat{T}$ and compute $E[M|\mathcal{M_B}]$ vs $E[M|\mathcal{M_R}]$.