For solving an unconstrained LS regression $$\hat{y}=w_1.x_1+w_2.x_2+w_3.x_3+w_4.x_4 + \epsilon$$ I use the following normal equation: $$W^*=(X^{\top}X)^{-1}X^{\top}Y $$
If I want to introduce a constraint on all of the parameters, e.g. the ridge regression $w_i^2<c$, for $\forall i$, I can formulate the Lagrangian:
$$\mathcal{L(W,\lambda)} = (Y - XW)^2 - \lambda (W)^2.$$
and also obtain a matrix form solution, given by: $$W^*=(X^{\top}X-\lambda I)^{-1}X^{\top}Y $$
The question is: how may I formulate the above equation if I only want to impose constraints on some of the coefficients, e.g. $w_1=w_2$ with $w=[w_1, w_2, ..., w_d]$?
I can get to the Lagrangian, which would be: $$ \mathcal{L(W,\lambda)} = (Y - XW)^2 - \lambda (w_1-w_2)$$ but I can't get to the matrix solution for $W^*$.
I'm searching for a manual solution (i.e. with no python or R code). Thanks in advance and sorry for the not-rigorous notation.
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