John Tukey advocated his "three point method" for finding re-expressions of variables to linearize relationships.
I will illustrate with an exercise from his book, Exploratory Data Analysis. These are mercury vapor pressure data from an experiment in which temperature was varied and vapor pressure was measured.
pressure <- c(0.0004, 0.0013, 0.006, 0.03, 0.09, 0.28, 0.8, 1.85, 4.4,
9.2, 18.3, 33.7, 59, 98, 156, 246, 371, 548, 790) # mm Hg
temperature <- seq(0, 360, 20) # Degrees C
The relation is strongly nonlinear: see the left panel in the illustration.
Because this is an exploratory exercise, we expect it to be interactive. The analyst is asked to begin by identifying three "typical" points in the plot: one near each end and one in the middle. I have done so here and marked them in red. (When I first did this exercise long ago, I used a different set of points but arrived at the same results.)
In the three point method, one searches--by brute force or otherwise--for a Box-Cox transformation that when applied to one of the coordinates--either y or x--will (a) place the typical points approximately on a line and (b) uses a "nice" power, usually chosen from a "ladder" of powers that might be interpretable by the analyst.
For reasons that will become apparent later, I have extended the Box-Cox family by allowing an "offset" so that the transformations are in the form
$$x \to \frac{(x + \alpha)^\lambda - 1}{\lambda}.$$
Here's a quick and dirty R
implementation. It first finds an optimal $(\lambda,\alpha)$ solution, then rounds $\lambda$ to the nearest value on the ladder and, subject to that restriction, optimizes $\alpha$ (within reasonable limits). It's incredibly quick because all the calculations are based on just those three typical points out of the original dataset. (You could do them with pencil and paper, even, which is exactly what Tukey did.)
box.cox <- function(x, parms=c(1,0)) {
lambda <- parms[1]
offset <- parms[2]
if (lambda==0) log(x+offset) else ((x+offset)^lambda - 1)/lambda
threepoint <- function(x, y, ladder=c(1, 1/2, 1/3, 0, -1/2, -1)) {
# x and y are length-three samples from a dataset.
dx <- diff(x)
f <- function(parms) (diff(diff(box.cox(y, parms)) / dx))^2
fit <- nlm(f, c(1,0))
parms <- fit$estimate #$
lambda <- ladder[which.min(abs(parms[1] - ladder))]
if (lambda==0) offset = 0 else {
do <- diff(range(y))
offset <- optimize(function(x) f(c(lambda, x)),
c(max(-min(x), parms[2]-do), parms[2]+do))$minimum
c(lambda, offset)
When the three-point method is applied to the pressure (y) values in the mercury vapor dataset, we obtain the middle panel of the plots.
data <- cbind(temperature, pressure)
n <- dim(data)[1]
i3 <- c(2, floor((n+1)/2), n-1)
parms <- threepoint(temperature[i3], pressure[i3])
y <- box.cox(pressure, parms)
In this case, parms
turns out to equal $(0,0)$: the method elects to log-transform the pressure.
We have reached a point analogous to the context of the question: for whatever reason (usually to stabilize residual variance), we have re-expressed the dependent variable, but we find that the relation with an independent variable is nonlinear. So now we turn to re-expressing the independent variable in an effort to linearize the relation. This is done in the same way, merely reversing the roles of x and y:
parms <- threepoint(y[i3], temperature[i3])
x <- box.cox(temperature, parms)
The values of parms
for the independent variable (temperature) are found to be $(-1, 253.75)$: in other words, we should express the temperature as degrees Celsius above $-254$C and use its reciprocal (the $-1$ power). (For technical reasons, the Box-Cox transformation further adds $1$ to the result.) The resulting relation is shown in the right panel.
By now, anybody with the least science background has recognized that the data are "telling" us to use absolute temperatures--where the offset is $273$ instead of $254$--because those will be physically meaningful. (When the last plot is re-drawn using an offset of $273$ instead of $254$, there is little visible change. A physicist would then label the x-axis with $1/(1-x)$: that is, reciprocal absolute temperature.)
This is a nice example of how statistical exploration needs to interact with understanding of the subject of investigation. In fact, reciprocal absolute temperatures show up all the time in physical laws. Consequently, using simple EDA methods alone to explore this century-old, simple, dataset, we have rediscovered the Clausius-Clapeyron relation: the logarithm of the vapor pressure is a linear function of the reciprocal absolute temperature. Not only that, we have a not very bad estimate of absolute zero ($-254$ degrees C), from the slope of the righthand plot we can calculate the specific enthalpy of vaporization, and--as it turns out--a careful analysis of the residuals identifies an outlier (the value at a temperature of $0$ degrees C), shows us how the enthalphy of vaporization varies (very slightly) with temperature (thereby violating the Ideal Gas Law), and ultimately can give us accurate information about the effective radius of the mercury gas molecules! All that from 19 data points and some basic skills in EDA.
and, thinking about it for a moment, I'm not sure exactly how one would do this at all. What criteria would you optimize to ensure the "most linear" transformation? $R^2$ is tempting but, as seen in my answer here, $R^2$ alone cannot be used to see whether the linearity assumption of a model is satisfied. Did you have some criteria in mind? $\endgroup$mgcv
. $\endgroup$