Given the information you've provided here is an approach I think works.
I will extend your notation to have $V_r(v)$ be the set of vertices of exactly distance $r$ from vertex, $v$. For convenience let $N(v)$ be the neighbours of $v$.
We note that for a given vertex, it has 2, 3 or 4 neighbours, which are easily determinable (constant time); i.e. $V_1(v)$ is trivial. We likewise assume that there is some constant cost for calculating $d(v_0, v)$ for all $v$ for which $d(v_0, v) \leq k$.
Assume that we have an efficient algorithm for all distances $\leq i$, we now show how to solve for $i+1$.
The algorithm is easy to explain - we choose some starting vertex $v_s$ uniformly at random from $V_i$. We then find its neighbours, and check their distance from $v_0$.
Let $C(v_s) = V_{i+1} \bigcap N(v_s)$.
We note that, at least one vertex in $N(v_s)$ must be in $V_{i-1}$. Thus $|C(v_s)| \leq 3$. Then, with probability $\frac{3 - |C(v_s)|}{3}$ we reject $v_s$ and start again.
Otherwise, we choose a candidate $v_c$ from $C(v)$ uniformly at random: Let $n_c$ be the number of its neighbours which are in $V_i$. Then, we accept $v_c$ with probability $\frac{1}{n_c}$. Otherwise, reject $v_s$ and start again.
Define $I(v) = V_i \bigcap N(v)$.
Then, the probability of accepting a given $v \in V_{i+1}$ in a round is
\sum_{v_s \in I(v)} P[v_s] P[v | v_s]
where $P[v_s]$ is the probability of choosing $v_s$ in $V_i$ and is $1/|V_i|$, and $P[v | v_s]$ is the probability of accepting $v$ given that we chose $v_s$.
P[v |v_s] = \left(1 - \frac{3 - |C(v_s)|}{3}\right)\frac{1}{|C_v(s)|}\frac{1}{|I(v)|} = \frac{1}{3|I(v)|}
Plugging this back in gives us a probability to accept $v$ of $\frac{1}{3V_i}$. Thus, the probability that an iteration accepts any member of $V_{i+1}$ is $\frac{V_{i+1}}{3V_i}$. Assuming the original poster's estimate that $V_i \approx 2.3676^i$, gives us that the probability an iteration succeeds is approximately $\frac{2.3676}{3}$.
Let the cost of determining neighbours be N, the cost of checking distance bound by $i+1$ be $D_{i+1}$, the cost of drawing from $V_i$ be $T_i$, then a round of the algorithm (which may or may not succeed) costs up to:
$T_i + N + 4*D_{i+1} + N + 4*D_{i+1}$. Unfortunately, this does mean that the cost of this algorithm to generate a single point is still exponential, albeit with a sizable improvement over enumeration, if one desires a small sample. If we assume that we can swallow the $D_i$ values into reasonable sized constants (in particular since the higher $i$ values where it is more costly they are calculated much less frequently than for lower $i$ values), we have an overall expected complexity of $O\left(\left(\frac{3}{2.3676}\right)^{k-1}\right)$.
Since for each $k$ we need to draw a point from a sub-sample, we get lower values of $k$ for free. For $k=30$, this works out to a complexity of about $10^3$, for $k=40$, this is roughly $10^4$, for $k=50$, this is $10^5$.
So determining whether this is feasible for you to sample $10^6$ points will depend on the horsepower you can bring to bear. For $k=50$ (which would give you all $k \leq 50$) it would be on the order of magnitude of $10^{11}$ work.