I am struggling with choosing the correct model for my study, and I hoped that maybe someone would be able to help me, or shine some light please :)
I have lots of data about vegetation and individual preferences that I am trying to analyse. I tried using a mixed model (lmer) to begin with, with the 3 different fields where I repeated the study as a random effect. I began by making my model including every single interaction, but it was too much, and R gave me this error message:
"fixed-effect model matrix is rank deficient so dropping 151 columns / coefficients. Error: Dropping columns failed to produce full column rank design matrix"
So I dropped the interactions and just did the other factors. I did one version as a glm without the random effect, and one as an lmer with the random effect. I then tried to compare them using anova, but I don't understand the results, I'll put the code and results below.
Please can you guys have a look and tell me what you think, that would be great, Thank you! (Sorry this is so long)
mod2 <- glm(Buffer ~ Age + Sex + Captures
+ PC1+ PC2+ Lvl1_Av + Lvl1_Med
+ Lvl1_SD+ Lvl1_Sum+ Lvl2_Av+ Lvl2_Med
+ Lvl2_SD+ Lvl2_Sum+ Lvl3_Av
+ Lvl3_Med
+ Lvl3_SD
+ Lvl3_Sum
+ Lvl4_Av
+ Lvl4_Med
+ Lvl4_SD
+ Lvl4_Sum )
mod3 <- lmer(Buffer ~ Age + Sex + Captures
+ PC1+ PC2+ Lvl1_Av + Lvl1_Med
+ Lvl1_SD+ Lvl1_Sum+ Lvl2_Av+ Lvl2_Med
+ Lvl2_SD+ Lvl2_Sum+ Lvl3_Av
+ Lvl3_Med
+ Lvl3_SD
+ Lvl3_Sum
+ Lvl4_Av
+ Lvl4_Med
+ Lvl4_SD
+ Lvl4_Sum + (1|Fence))
anova(mod2, mod3, test="Chisq")
#And this is what I got
> anova(mod2, mod3, test="Chisq")
Analysis of Deviance Table
Model: gaussian, link: identity
Response: Buffer
Terms added sequentially (first to last)
Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev Pr(>Chi)
NULL 80 7541772
Age 1 335703 79 7206069 < 2.2e-16 ***
Sex 1 1225073 78 5980996 < 2.2e-16 ***
Captures 1 1365027 77 4615968 < 2.2e-16 ***
PC1 1 9632 76 4606337 0.0001964 ***
PC2 1 194968 75 4411369 < 2.2e-16 ***
Lvl1_Av 1 883 74 4410486 0.2596526
Lvl1_Med 1 24511 73 4385975 2.848e-09 ***
Lvl1_SD 1 69605 72 4316370 < 2.2e-16 ***
Lvl1_Sum 1 4229768 71 86602 < 2.2e-16 ***
Lvl2_Av 1 250 70 86352 0.5485363
Lvl2_Med 1 360 69 85992 0.4713995
Lvl2_SD 1 237 68 85755 0.5589011
Lvl2_Sum 1 24078 67 61676 3.922e-09 ***
Lvl3_Av 1 1330 66 60346 0.1664550
Lvl3_Med 1 345 65 60001 0.4810493
Lvl3_SD 1 2 64 59999 0.9524658
Lvl3_Sum 1 1395 63 58604 0.1564064
Lvl4_Av 1 304 62 58300 0.5085230
Lvl4_Med 1 3928 61 54372 0.0174052 *
Lvl4_SD 1 85 60 54286 0.7260341
Lvl4_Sum 1 13301 59 40985 1.210e-05 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1