I estimate a proportional odds model in R with the polr model. The regression is basically the categorical educational achievements of parents on the categorical educational achievements of children:
polrmodel <- polr(eisced ~ eiscedmax, data= finalordinal,
For both variables, I have 6 categories. When I thus estimate the polr Model in R I get 5 coefficients and 5 intercepts:
Value Std. Error t value
eiscedmax.L 2.8847 0.11205 25.744
eiscedmax.Q -0.1661 0.09529 -1.744
eiscedmax.C -0.1184 0.08832 -1.340
eiscedmax^4 0.1598 0.07549 2.118
eiscedmax^5 0.1279 0.04906 2.608
Value Std. Error t value
1|2 -5.3166 0.1352 -39.3290
2|3 -2.8792 0.0505 -56.9896
3|4 0.0454 0.0374 1.2136
4|5 1.1844 0.0387 30.6408
5|6 1.8200 0.0412 44.1326
I do now predict the probabilities for this model and the first eiscedmax category (i.e. the lowest education category for parents) with predict:
predict(polrmodel, newdata = data.frame(eiscedmax="1"), type="p")
which yields
1 2 3 4 5 6
0.02742981 0.21657597 0.61337588 0.09205802 0.02313072 0.02742959
Now, I want to verify this probabilities manually. I tried the logit formula as it is done in many applications such as here for instance: Predicting ordered logit in R
However, I cannot get the correct result for this categorical case. I seem to be blocked. Does anyone know how to get the probabilities shown above?