Here is the problem (not homework),
Let $U_1,\cdots,U_n$ be i.i.d. uniform$(-n,n)$ random variables. For $-n<a<b<n$, we set $1_{U_i}(a,b)$ be the indicator function such that $1_{U_i}=1$ if $U_i\in(a,b)$ and 0 otherwise. What is approximate distribution as n large of $U_1+,\cdots,+U_n$.
I computed the characteristic function of $U_1+,\cdots,+U_n$, i.e., $\phi(t) = \left(\frac{sin(nt)}{nt}\right)^n$, but I don't know how to get the final result. By the way, I have no idea to use the hint in the problem. Please provide me some hints or references. Thanks!
n=1000; sim = numeric(10000); for(i in 1:10000) sim[i]=sum(runif(n,-n,n)); hist(sim); hist(rnorm(10000,0,n^1.5/sqrt(3)),add=T)