To compute the model-averaged predictions on the response scale of a GLM, which is "correct" and why?
- Compute the model averaged prediction on the link scale and then back-transform to the response scale, or
- Back transform the predictions to the response scale and then compute the model average
The predictions are close but not equal if the model is a GLM. The different R packages give options for both (with different defaults). Several colleagues have argued vociferously that #1 is wrong because "everyone does #2". My intuition says that #1 is "correct" as it keeps all linear math linear (#2 averages things that are not on a linear scale). A simple simulation finds that #2 has a very (very!) slightly smaller MSE than #1. If #2 is correct, what is the reason? And, if #2 is correct, why is my reason (keep linear math linear) poor reasoning?
Edit 1: Computing marginal means over the levels of another factor in a GLM is a similar problem to the question that I am asking above. Russell Lenth computes marginal means of GLM models using the "timing" (his words) of #1 (in the emmeans package) and his argument is similar to my intuition.
Edit 2: I am using model-averaging to refer to the alternative to model selection where a prediction (or a coefficient) is estimated as the weighted average over all or a subset of "best" nested models (see references and R packages below).
Given $M$ nested models, where $\eta_i^m$ is the linear prediction (in the link space) for individual $i$ for model $m$, and $w_m$ is the weight for model $m$, the model-averaged prediction using #1 above (average on the link scale and then backtransform to the response scale) is:
$$\hat{Y}_i = g^{-1}\Big(\sum_{m=1}^M{w_m \eta_i^m}\Big)$$
and the model-averaged prediction using #2 above (back transform all $M$ predictions and then average on the response scale) is:
$$\hat{Y}_i = \sum_{m=1}^M{w_m g^{-1}(\eta_i^m})$$
Some Bayesian and Frequentist methods of model averaging are:
Hoeting, J.A., Madigan, D., Raftery, A.E. and Volinsky, C.T., 1999. Bayesian model averaging: a tutorial. Statistical science, pp.382-401.
Burnham, K.P. and Anderson, D.R., 2003. Model selection and multimodel inference: a practical information-theoretic approach. Springer Science & Business Media.
Hansen, B.E., 2007. Least squares model averaging. Econometrica, 75(4), pp.1175-1189.
Claeskens, G. and Hjort, N.L., 2008. Model selection and model averaging. Cambridge Books.
R packages include BMA, MuMIn, BAS, and AICcmodavg. (Note: this is not a question about the wisdom of model-averaging more generally.)