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How to test the statistical significance for categorical variable in linear regression?
As we know we can use linear models for numeric dataset(independent variables are numerical only), but what type model is applicable here when I have numeric + categorical dataset(independent variables are combination of numeric and categorical).
for example I have two datasets
1.numeric dataset 2.numeric dataset + categorical dataset
1.numeric dataset (Prediction of price of home) Independent variables x1 = numbers of bedrooms x2 = size of home in sq. feet dependent variable x3 = price of home here dependent variable is numerical independent variable is with numerical values 2.numeric dataset + categorical dataset(prediction of web visits) Independent variables x1 = search time x2 = search query x3 = browser x4 = country dependent variable x3 = visits here dependent variable is numerical independent variable is with combination of numerical and categorical values
I assume here that for dataset 1 linear model with lm() is applicable, but its not possible for second dataset. can any one suggest best technique for dataset 2 to be implemented with model for prediction.