According to the documentation of pgev
in RStudio
's help, the function takes the parameters in the same order as gevSim
. To use your nomenclature, the order in which the command is expecting you to input the parameters is pgev(q, xi = shape, mu = loc, beta = scale)
. Using your code, but changing the order (and also removing the unused pvec
), it looks like this:
n <- 30 #size of sample
#GEV params
shape <- 0.49; loc <- 36; scale <- 43
#simulate series
gev_sim <- gevSim(model = list(xi = shape, mu = loc, beta = scale), n = n, seed = NULL)
#checking the KS test
tmp <- ks.test(gev_sim, "pgev", shape, loc, scale)
and the results I get from one run of the above:
One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
data: gev_sim
D = 0.13785, p-value = 0.5715
alternative hypothesis: two-sided
To further make sure that this is correct, you can increase the sample size (which I think you should anyway, a sample of 30 is unnecessarily small), and check to see whether the resulting data visually seems to fit the corresponding theoretical distribution:
n <- 5000
shape <- 0.49; loc <- 36; scale <- 43
sim_data <- gevSim(model = list(xi = shape, mu = loc, beta = scale), n=n, seed = NULL)
tmp <- ks.test(sim_data, "pgev", shape, loc, scale); tmp
hist(sim_data, freq = FALSE, breaks = 400, col = "steelblue", xlim = c(min(sim_data), quantile(sim_data, 0.995)),
main = "Comparison of simulated GEV data and theoretical distribution",
xlab = "x", ylab = "Density")
curve(dgev(x, xi = shape, mu = loc, beta = scale), col = "red", add = TRUE, lwd = 2)
legend=c("Simulated data" , "Density"),
lty = c(NA,1),
lwd = c(NA,2),
col = c("black", "red"),
fill = c("steelblue",NA),
bty = "n", xpd = TRUE, merge = TRUE)
with the output being:
One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
data: sim_data
D = 0.012908, p-value = 0.3754
alternative hypothesis: two-sided
The case for the GPD is identical to the GEV, the parameters are fed in the function in the exact same way:
gpd_shape <- 0.4; gpd_loc <- 20; gpd_scale <- 27.6
sim_data_gpd <- gpdSim(model = list(xi = gpd_shape, mu = gpd_loc, beta = gpd_scale), n = n, seed = NULL)
tmp_gpd <- ks.test(sim_data_gpd, "pgpd", gpd_shape, gpd_loc, gpd_scale); tmp_gpd
hist(sim_data_gpd, freq = FALSE, breaks = 400, col = "yellow", xlim = c(min(sim_data_gpd), quantile(sim_data_gpd, 0.995)),
main = "Comparison of simulated GPD data and theoretical distribution",
xlab = "x", ylab = "Density")
curve(dgpd(x, xi = gpd_shape, mu = gpd_loc, beta = gpd_scale), col = "black", add = TRUE, lwd = 2)
legend=c("Simulated data" , "Density"),
lty = c(NA,1),
lwd = c(NA,2),
col = c("black", "black"),
fill = c("yellow",NA),
bty = "n", xpd = TRUE, merge = TRUE)
resulting in this output:
One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
data: sim_data_gpd
D = 0.010488, p-value = 0.6413
alternative hypothesis: two-sided
Hope this is helpful.