The TF-IDF value of a word specifies how important a word for each document is. My setting is any text classification where one has multiple documents of with different classes:
Let's take a lot of movie reviews with a feature 'sentiment' which is 0 or 1 (negative or positive).
The goal of the classification would be to classify a new review as either 0 or 1.
Approach 1: My idea behind using TF-IDF here, is to understand if a word is important for the set of reviews with the sentiment 0 or the set of reviews with the sentiment 1. This means that I would calculate the IDF values based for two documents (because of two classes) where I put together all the reviews of the same class, meaning:
- Doc1: The text of all reviews with sentiment 0
- Doc2: The text of all reviews with sentiment 1
I have looked into a few examples and this approach is not what I see done in them.
Approach 2: In the examples for using TF-IDF for text classification, the IDF-values are calculated for each review and not each class (see here), meaning the number of documents is the number of reviews.
Q: Which approach is correct?
My 'pipeline' of classification via tfidf would be:
- Calculate the IDF with the documents being every review concatenated for each class in all training reviews (like in Doc1 and Doc2)
- Calculate the TF for every word in each training review
- Calculate the TF for every word in each testing review
- Multiply TF*IDF to get the TFIDF-matrix for either train or test
Here is an example in R to illustrate both approaches:
(train_tfidf follows my idea and example_train_tfidf follows approach 2. I calculate the tfidfs, train a model for each approach, make predictions and compare AUCs)
train <- movie_review[1:4000, ]
test <- movie_review[4001:5000, ]
# My idea behind TF-IDF
# create a tfidf-model with one document for each class
create_tfidf_model <- function(train){
# This is the crucial step for my approach!
train <- aggregate(review ~ sentiment, data = train, FUN = paste, collapse = " ")
train_tokens <- itoken(train$review,
preprocessor = tolower, tokenizer = word_tokenizer, ids = train$id, progressbar = FALSE)
train_vocab <- create_vocabulary(train_tokens, stopwords = stopwords::stopwords("en"))
vectorizer <- vocab_vectorizer(train_vocab)
train_dtm <- create_dtm(train_tokens, vectorizer)
tfidf_model <- TfIdf$new()
# fit model
train_tfidf <- fit_transform(train_dtm, tfidf_model)
return(list(tfidf_model, vectorizer, train_tfidf))
# Take a vectorizer and (tf)idf-model and calculate a tfidf-Matrix for data with the idf-weights of the tfidf-model for the words in the vectorizer
create_tfidf_from_model <- function(data, tfidf_model, vectorizer){
data_tokens <- itoken(data$review,
preprocessor = tolower, tokenizer = word_tokenizer, ids = data$id, progressbar = FALSE)
data_dtm <- create_dtm(data_tokens, vectorizer)
data_tfidf <- transform(data_dtm, tfidf_model)
# Example/Approach 2 from
tfidf_example <- function(train){
train_tokens <- itoken(train$review,
preprocessor = tolower, tokenizer = word_tokenizer, ids = train$id, progressbar = FALSE)
train_vocab <- create_vocabulary(train_tokens, stopwords = stopwords::stopwords("en"))
vectorizer <- vocab_vectorizer(train_vocab)
train_dtm <- create_dtm(train_tokens, vectorizer)
tfidf_model <- TfIdf$new()
train_tfidf <- fit_transform(train_dtm, tfidf_model)
return(list(tfidf_model, vectorizer, train_tfidf))
## Prediction
tfidf_model <- create_tfidf_model(train)
train_tfidf <- create_tfidf_from_model(train, tfidf_model = tfidf_model[[1]], vectorizer = tfidf_model[[2]])
test_tfidf <- create_tfidf_from_model(test, tfidf_model = tfidf_model[[1]], vectorizer = tfidf_model[[2]])
example_tfidf_model <- tfidf_example(train)
example_train_tfidf <- create_tfidf_from_model(train, tfidf_model = example_tfidf_model[[1]], vectorizer = example_tfidf_model[[2]])
example_test_tfidf <- create_tfidf_from_model(test, tfidf_model = example_tfidf_model[[1]], vectorizer = example_tfidf_model[[2]])
# Train models
glmnet_clas_mine <- cv.glmnet(x = train_tfidf, y = train[['sentiment']],
family = 'binomial', alpha = 1, type.measure = "auc", nfolds = 4, thresh = 1e-3, maxit = 1e3)
glmnet_clas_example <- cv.glmnet(x = example_train_tfidf, y = train[['sentiment']],
family = 'binomial', alpha = 1, type.measure = "auc", nfolds = 4, thresh = 1e-3, maxit = 1e3)
print(paste("max AUC =", round(max(glmnet_clas_mine$cvm), 4)))
print(paste("max AUC =", round(max(glmnet_clas_example$cvm), 4)))
# predict with models
pred <- predict(glmnet_clas_mine, test_tfidf, type = 'response')[,1]
example_pred <- predict(glmnet_clas_example, example_test_tfidf, type = 'response')[,1]
glmnet:::auc(test$sentiment, pred)
glmnet:::auc(test$sentiment, example_pred)
Evaluating the prediction on the test set gives me an AUC of 0.905 with my approach and an AUC of 0.912 where I count each review as one document. The AUCs are very close to each other. But I my approach is slightly worse.
(The same results holts on the AUC on the train set)
But there is a one thing which I noticed:
# Their sparsity is about equal, but my approach has more values which equal 0
sum(train_tfidf@x != 0)
sum(example_train_tfidf@x != 0)
# This should normally not be done as the matrices are big and sparse
train_tfidf <-
example_train_tfidf <-
# Remove columns where every entry is 0
train_tfidf <- train_tfidf[, colSums(train_tfidf != 0) > 0]
example_train_tfidf <- example_train_tfidf[, colSums(example_train_tfidf != 0) > 0]
My approach has approximately half the number of features (~20k less) after removing features where every entry is 0 which sounds good to me. But I am still confused why Approach 2 is used in every example. Maybe because it is less code to do and easier to give an example of it?