I am currently working through understanding the mechanics of OLS estimates and the hat matrix. One thing I have been searching for without luck is how we know that the term $X'X$ is invertible where $X'$ represents the transpose of $X$.
I understand that $X'X$ is a symmetric matrix, but I also know that being symmetric alone does not guarantee nonsingularity.
For reference I am referring to this equation:
$$ H = X(X'X)^{-1}X' $$
Any help with this is greatly appreciated.
Through the helpful answers below and a few other google searches I think I have found an answer to my question (at least for most cases).
When performing OLS. We have organized our data with $n$ observations and $p$ parameters. In almost every case $n > p$. This means that the columns of $X$ must be linearly independent. $X'X$ results in a matrix with $dim(X'X) = p$. This means that $X'X$ must also have columns that are linearly independent. Because $X'X$ is a square matrix (rows equal columns), it must have rows which are linearly dependent as well (i.e. $rank(X'X) = p$ aka "full rank"). A full rank matrix is always invertible.
Please correct me if I am wrong here, but I think the logic follow.
I used these questions as resources: