I guess we can figure out coefficients without setting specific shape parameter $\alpha$ for gamma distribution because its effect is cancelled out when we use IRLS:
Here, the $i$th diagonal element of weight matrix is $W_{ii}=\frac{\alpha}{\mu_i^2 g'(\mu_i)}$ and the $g$ is the link function. So if we write $W=\alpha Q$, the equation above will be $\beta^{(m)}=(X^TQX)^{-1}X^TQz^{(m)}$ and we can do IRLS not knowing $\alpha$.
My question is that, after we find and calculate the coefficients, which value of $\alpha$ should we choose?
In linear regression case, we could estimate error by using sum of squre of errors. I think there should be a similar thing (like,maybe function of deviance?) to estimate the shape parameter.
It seems like the function glm
in R shows dispersion parameter which is reciprocal of the shape parameter automatically. (Dispersion parameter for Gamma family). I wonder how it works.