I'm trying to follow a proof in the Adversarial Spheres preprint on arXiv. The proof requires the computation of the integral in Appendix F, page 14:
$$\mathbf{E}\left[\max\left(\sqrt{2}\left(\frac{\alpha}{\sqrt{n}}-Z\right),0\right)\right],\quad Z\sim\mathcal{N}\left(0,\frac{1}{n}\right)$$
where $\alpha>0$. According to the paper, this integral should be $O\left(\frac{\alpha}{\sqrt{n}}\right)$.Now, since
I can rewrite the expectation as
$$\mathbf{E}\left[\max\left(\sqrt{2}\left(\frac{\alpha-X}{\sqrt{n}}\right),0\right)\right],\quad X\sim\mathcal{N}(0,1)$$
Using the properties of $\max(x,0)$ and expectation, I rewrite
$$\mathbf{E}_{X\sim\mathcal{N}(0,1)}\left[\max\left(\sqrt{2}\left(\frac{\alpha-X}{\sqrt{n}}\right),0\right)\right] = \sqrt{\frac{2}{n}} \mathbf{E}_{X\sim\mathcal{N}(0,1)}\left[\max\left(\alpha-X,0\right)\right]$$
I'm left with computing
This integral can be split into
Now, this last integral should be equal to the conditional expectation
(right?). Thus I should have
Thus, finally I should have
$$\mathbf{E}_{Z\sim\mathcal{N}\left(0,\frac{1}{n}\right)}\left[\max\left(\sqrt{2}\left(\frac{\alpha}{\sqrt{n}}-Z\right),0\right)\right] = \sqrt{\frac{2}{n}}\left(\alpha\Phi(\alpha)+\frac{\phi(-\alpha)}{1-\Phi(-\alpha)}\right)$$
- Is this correct?
Can I conclude that, since $\Phi(\alpha)$ and $\frac{\phi(-\alpha)}{1-\Phi(-\alpha)}$ are bounded for $\alpha>0$, the integral is $O\left(\frac{\alpha}{\sqrt{n}}\right)$ as stated in the paper? Specifically, since $\Phi(\alpha) \to 1$ and $\frac{\phi(-\alpha)}{1-\Phi(-\alpha)} \to 0$ as $\alpha \to \infty$, I have that the integral is well-approximated by $\sqrt{\frac{2}{n}}\alpha$, as shown below:
a <- seq(0, 10, len = 1000) y <- a*pnorm(a)+dnorm(-a)/(1-pnorm(-a)) plot(a, y, type = "l") abline(a = 0, b = 1, col = "red")