Assume the true underlying linear approximation of a set of data is equal to $Y=2+3X +\epsilon$ where $\epsilon$ represents the irreducible error that is inherent in a linear approximation. I then perform a linear regression and arrive at my $\hat{\beta}_0$ and $\hat{\beta}_1$ parameters. In order to determine the standard error of $\hat{\beta}_0$ and $\hat{\beta}_1$, I use the following formulas:
$$ SE(\hat{\beta}_0)^2= \sigma^2 \big{[} \frac{1}{n} + \frac{\bar{x}^2}{\sum_{i=1}^n(x_i-\bar{x})^2} \big{]} $$
$$ SE(\hat{\beta}_1)^2= \frac{\sigma^2}{\sum_{i=1}^n(x_i-\bar{x})^2} $$
where $\sigma^2 = Var(\epsilon)$
Why does $\sigma^2 = Var(\epsilon)$ and not $\sigma^2 = Var(x)$ (the variance of my sample population)?
Where does $\epsilon$ work its way in to the derivation of the standard errors of these two parameters? $\epsilon$ has nothing to do with the least squares approach for calculating $\hat{\beta}_0$ and $\hat{\beta}_1$ in the first place. Also, how do we determine $\epsilon$? Doesn't $\epsilon$ require knowing that the "true" linear approximation of the data is $Y=2+3X +\epsilon$? We obviously would not know this in real life.
EDIT: one last question: what does it mean to assume that the errors $\epsilon_i$ for each observation are uncorrelated with common variance $\sigma^2$?