$\cal F$ is a family of distributions that, upon multiplying with a likelihood of a function class that is conjugate to it, results in an unnormalized posterior distribution that is of the same distribution class as the prior.
Let's look at an example: For Bernoulli likelihoods, the prior is the Beta distribution.
- likelihood: $Bernoulli(y; p) = p^y (1-p)^{1-y}$, where
Observation $y=0$ or $y=1$ [tails (T) or heads (H)], $p \in [0, 1]$ (probability of heads)
- prior: $Beta(p; a, B) = p^{a-1} (1-p)^{B-1}$, where
its parameters are $a > 0, B > 0$.
- Multiplying the likelihood and prior, you get an unnormalized posterior density
$\mbox{posterior (Beta class)} \propto \mbox{lklhd (Bernoulli class)}\times\mbox{conjg prior (Beta class)}$
$\mbox{posterior} \propto p^{y+a-1} (1-p)^{B-y}$, which is $Beta(p; a+y, B-y+1)$.
So let's put some numbers to this. We're going to look at an example where we update our belief about the probability that a coin will show HEADS, starting from before our first flip, and update our belief every time we flip a coin, and see a new observation.
Let's say you start off agnostic on probability of seeing H. The prior is $Beta(1, 1)$. Now you flip the coin 3 times, and observe the sequence {H, H, T}.
Starting with a prior $Beta(1, 1)$, you flip and observe an H. Combining your prior with the likelihood, your posterior is now $Beta(2, 1)$.
Now your posterior becomes your prior, $Beta(2, 1)$, you flip a second time, and observe an H, your posterior is now $Beta(3, 1)$.
Now your posterior becomes your prior, $Beta(3, 1)$, you flip a second time, and observe an T, your posterior is now $Beta(3, 2)$.
The idea here is that you have some prior belief about what the probability of getting H (heads) is, prior to ever flipping a coin. It may be that you are neutral, $a=1$, $B=1$, that is all $p$ equally likely (you have no idea). When you flip the coin once, this gives you some new information. Let's say you flip and get an H. Now this boosts the probability of higher values of $p$.
Note that as soon as you see your first Tail after the 3rd flip, the prior probability of p is now 0 at p=1 - ie there is SOME probability of seeing Tail.
Now note that its perfectly reasonable to have a prior that's say 2 delta functions at $p=0.23$ and $p=0.88$. Combining this prior with a likelihood coming from an observation of an H or T results in some strange function class, which is valid as a posterior as well. As you can see from the above example, using conjugate priors has nice properties, where it might be easy to say build a sequential estimation algorithm that updates the belief about the probable value of $p$ every time you get a new observation. This wouldn't be computationally very easy had you started off with a prior that was 2 delta functions.