Say that $X$ is a set $\{X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_N\}$ of (non-independent) random variables, and that $\hat{\mu}$ is a set $\{\hat{\mu}_1, \hat{\mu}_2, \ldots, \hat{\mu}_N\}$ of estimators. Each $\hat{\mu}_i$ is an estimator of $\mu_i$, the mean of the corresponding $X_i$.
Given that the estimators are consistent, and given that each estimator is calculated using $n_i$ samples, the central limit theorem gives a relationship between the variance of each estimator and its underlying random variable: \begin{equation} V[\hat{\mu}_i] \approx \frac{V[X_i]}{n_i} \end{equation}
where the above approximation becomes more accurate the larger the sample size $n_i$ is.
Is there an equivalent relationship between the covariances? My gut tells me it might be: $$\operatorname{ Cov}[\hat{\mu}_i, \hat{\mu}_j] \approx \frac{\operatorname {Cov}[X_i, X_j]}{\sqrt{n_in_j}} $$
but that's just a guess that I don't how to dis/prove.
Is there any relationship of this sort between the covariances of the estimator and the underlying? I'm looking for proofs and/or pointers to a definitive reference.
I'm working with a type of simulation that can be thought of as consisting of $N$ consecutive phases. Each phase $i$ is associated with a random variable $X_i$, and the goal of each phase can be thought of estimating the mean $\mu_i$ of $X_i$. During each phase $i$, $n_i$ samples $X_{ij}$ are drawn from $X_i$, and then an estimate is calculated as $\hat{\mu_i} = \frac{1}{n_i}\sum_{j=1}^{n_i} X_{ij}$ (so the estimator $\hat{\mu_i}$ is a sample mean). Once phase $i$ is finished, phase $i + 1$ is then run, and the process is repeated until all phases have finished.
The output value of interest from this type of simulation is the product of the sample means:
$$ f(\hat{\mu})=\prod_{i=1}^N\hat{\mu_i} $$
What I really want to know is how to calculate the variance $V[f(\hat{\mu})]$ as a function of the sample counts $n_i$. In the limit of large sample counts, there's a relatively simple formula for the variance of the product:
$$ V[f(\hat{\mu})] \approx \prod_{i}\mu_i^2 \left(\sum_i\frac{V[\hat{\mu_i}]}{\mu_i^2} + \sum_{i\neq j} \operatorname{Cov}[\hat{\mu_i}, \hat{\mu_j}]\right) $$
The $V[\hat{\mu_i}]$ terms can be rewritten using the first equation above: $$ V[f(\hat{\mu})] \approx \prod_{i}\mu_i^2 \left(\sum_i\frac{V[X_i]}{\mu_i^2 n_i} + \sum_{i\neq j} \operatorname{Cov}[\hat{\mu_i}, \hat{\mu_j}]\right) $$
So all I need now is a similar way to rewrite the $\operatorname {Cov}[\hat{\mu_i}, \hat{\mu_j}]$ terms.