Comment: The procedures I would use and the results I would require would
depend on the source of the data and the application at hand.
Not very demanding: Presumably, your data are residuals from some sort of linear model, and you have good reasons for expecting the residuals to be nearly normal. In this situation, I would want to look at the following results from R:
res1 <- c(-0.7890, -0.7090, -0.2390, 0.6610, -0.2390, 0.2610, -0.4390,
-0.1390, 0.1610, -0.1390, 0.4700, -0.2300, 0.0200, -0.1300,
-0.5300, 0.1700, -0.2300, -0.3300, 0.1700, -0.5300, 0.2205,
-0.1795, -0.1295, -0.1995, -0.2395, 0.2305, -0.0695, -0.1295,
-0.2995, 0.0905, 0.6600, 0.6600, 0.5600, -0.3400, 0.5600,
-0.4400, -0.0400, -0.9400, -1.3400, -0.4400, -0.3390, -0.3390,
-0.0390, 0.6610, -0.2390, 0.6610, 0.1610, 0.1610, 0.6610,
0.2610, 0.4700, -0.1300, 0.0700, -0.0800, -0.0300, 0.4700,
-0.0300, -0.0300, 0.4700, -0.0300, 0.3705, -0.1295, -0.1295,
-0.1295, -0.1295, 0.3705, -0.0295, 0.2705, -0.1295, 0.3705,
0.7600, 0.6600, 0.6600, -0.1400, 0.5600, 0.1600, 0.1600,
-0.5400, -0.8400, -0.3400)
hist(res1, prob=T, col="skyblue2")
curve(dnorm(x, mean(res1), sd(res1)), add=T, col="red")
abline(a=mean(res1), b=sd(res1), col="red")
At left, the normal curve that matches the mean and SD of the residuals does
not show a very good fit to their histogram. This is not unusual for a sample as
small as 80.
At right, except for bad behavior in the upper tail, where it
departs markedly from a straight line, the normal probability plot of the residuals does not seem catastrophically bad.
Generally, one cannot expect
residuals to look 'precisely' normal, and I have gotten what I judged to be useful results from linear models for which the residuals were no closer to
normal than these. So using these graphical methods to assess normality,
I would say the residuals seem close enough to normal for most practical
More demanding: However, if these observations were simulated from a program that claims
to produce normally distributed observations, I would want to see results
from several well-regarded formal tests of normality.
You have already seen that
an Anderson-Darling test rejects the null hypothesis of normality. Below
we see that a Shapiro-Wilk test also rejects. Furthermore, by the standards
I would expect from a program to generate normal data, the graphical
procedures shown above give disappointing results.
Shapiro-Wilk normality test
data: res1
W = 0.96538, p-value = 0.02895
In this situation I would want to assess several larger samples.
For example, looking at samples of sizes 100, 1000, and 5000, generated using the
R function rnorm
, I got Shapiro-Wilk p-values 0.17, 0.46, and 0.57, respectively.
All consistent with normal.
From what I could infer from your current sample, I would not be willing to
generate normal samples using a program that gives such results. I know that
there are other programs that will do better and I would want to use one of them instead.