This problem concerns road mortality. We have 4 highway sections of varied length that were flagged as problem areas for road mortality with large mammals (moose, deer, elk, and even cows). We used KDE+ software to map hotspot segments of varied length using ten years of collision study data. I also mapped an equal number of intervening coldspot segments where no kills have occurred. The number of hot/cold segments per highway is as follows::
Field crews collected data on ditch depth, % fence along segment length, roadside vegetation, and adjacent land features (pasture, forested, industrial). Land data was imported into a GIS (rasterized) and we obtained spatial metrics on land cover and edge lengths within a 250 m buffer run along both sides of the highway for Developed, Shrubland, Agriculture, Coniferous, Deciduous, and Mixed forest. Traffic volume, number of dwellings within 500 m, and distance to nearest town center from the center of the segment were also calculated.
Okay - we have lots of variables to deal with here - too many in my opinion, but I'm working with a team of researchers that think we need to look at all the details. I've combed through the data (data exploration) using methods described in Zuur et al. (2009) to plot and investigate normality, heterogeneity, and multi-colinearity and have reduced the data set to 11 variables.
There are two kinds of Dependent variables:
- Hotspots data only: DVkills = (number of kills / length of hot segment) *100
- Binary: Hotspot / Coldspot segment
Zuur et al. (2009) provide an example in chapter 16 of their textbook concerning amphibian road mortality using negative binomial GAM and GAMM to address the underlying question: "Is there a relationship between amphibian roadkills and any of the dependent variables?" However, they run into issues with more coefficients than data in the model and discuss shrinkage smoothers, which is beyond my capabilities.
I found this PeerJ article to be helpful and their r-code is instructive. These authors modeled the relationship between roadkill counts and predictor variables by fitting a generalized linear mixed-effect model using the lme4 package.
However, I do not understand a couple things about their model:
"To account for spatial autocorrelation we included sampling unit, nested within the most common habitat type, as random terms in the model, including an offset to account for the length of the sampling unit." (p. 11)
I understand what spatial autocorrelation is, but I don't understand how their model accounts for this. They created 41 x 10 km sampling units along the roadway they included in their analysis. Pieces of code used in their model are as follows:
# Calculate the log of the survey area (road section length) to add it as an offset in the model
RKdata2 <- within(RKdata2, {LogArea = log(RKdata2$LENGTH)})
The model looks as follows:
glmer.nb(roadkill ~
season +
scale(wetland) +
scale(owls) +
scale(guineafowl) +
scale(speed) +
scale(traffic) +
scale(roadWidth) +
scale(infrastructure) +
offset(log(LogArea)) +
(1|habitat/section), data = RKdata2)
My questions are as follows:
I looked in lme4 package to learn that offset is "can be used to specify an a priori known component to be included in the linear predictor during fitting". I have four highway segments - should I take the log of their cumulative length and used this as an offset? I don't quite understand the purpose of the offset. The lme4 package keeps a hyperlink to See model.offset, but this goes nowhere - I can't find this.
I have four separate highway study areas and the lengths of the hotspot and coldspot segments are varied. Should I nest these as the random component? For example: (1|Hwy/segmentL), where "segmentL" is the log of the sum length of all cold/hotspot segment lengths, and would this address spatial autocorrelation?
I ran a binary linear regression to compare the hotspot v. coldspot segments. The linear mixed-effect model dependent variable will be the number of kills within a segment divided by the length of the segment. There are no kills in the coldspot segments, so I have to analyze this separately. Is there a better way to do this where I include both hotspots and coldspots as a binary dependent variable and number of kills in hotspots as a second dependent variable?
I'm adding a Clevland dotplot of the # of road kills by highway to show that the # of kills varies by segment and by highway. A histogram of the # of kills is also provided.