Question: Could I find a dimensionality reduction algorithm without or with minimal distance (cosine) distortion?
Background: I would like to visualize in 2D a sample of news texts for which I also apply clustering.
I present the texts as vectors (like text2vec), but it is desirable to also project the vectors to 2 dimensions. Moreover I consider apply clustering on the 2 dimensions for speedy execution.
My initial guess is using t-SNE with careful tuning of epsilon.
Are there more robust algorithms which do not distort much the distance (cosine) in multidimensional space, thus making clear pictures?
After several tries I got the following mapping (and clustering based on that):
This is a daily snapshot of Russian news by three major news agencies.
People liked the look, but what I worry about is that in the middle is a huge all-in-one cluster where all kinds of topics have been mixed. However, I know that there are many smaller topics every day that consist of maybe 3-5 news, but the meaning of them is quite specific.
I played quite some time with the parameters of t-SNE:
## rt-sne reduction
mat_dat <- data.matrix(text_centroids[, !c('message_id'), with = F])
rtsne_obj <- Rtsne(X = mat_dat
, dims = 2
, initial_dims = 100
, perplexity = 30
, theta = 0.3
, check_duplicates = FALSE
, pca = TRUE
, partial_pca = FALSE
, max_iter = 1000
, verbose = T
, is_distance = FALSE
, Y_init = NULL
, pca_center = TRUE
, pca_scale = TRUE
, normalize = TRUE
, momentum = 0.5
, final_momentum = 0.8
, eta = 200
, exaggeration_factor = 12
, num_threads = 1)
text_centroids[, Dim1 := rtsne_obj$Y[,1]]
text_centroids[, Dim2 := rtsne_obj$Y[,2]]
ggplot(data = text_centroids) +
geom_point(aes(x = Dim1, y = Dim2), color = 'blue', alpha = 0.1, size = 4) +
## cluster with dbscan
clustering_dat <- rtsne_obj$Y[, 1:2]
dbscan_knn <- frNN(x = clustering_dat, eps = 2, sort = TRUE, search = "kdtree", bucketSize = 10,
splitRule = "suggest", approx = 0)
dbscan_obj <- dbscan(x = dbscan_knn
, weights = NULL
, borderPoints = F
but could not get any better.
Update 2.
Measuring Pearson's correlation coefficient between the vector of Euclidean distances between full-dimensional points (right triangle of the dist
matrix) and t-SNE dimensinal points yielded:
> cor.test(original_text_dist, tsne_dist)
Pearson's product-moment correlation
data: original_text_dist and tsne_dist
t = 1095.5, df = 2388200, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
0.5774797 0.5791678
sample estimates:
Hm, it looks that the distances were distorted although the distrortion was not so catastrophic.
I think I could try multidimensional scaling next.
Hmm, it looks like cmdscale
in R stats::
does significantly better job at preserving the distances:
> mds <- cmdscale(original_text_dist)
> mds_dist <- dist(mds, diag = F, method = "euclidean", upper = F)
> original_text_dist <- as.vector(original_text_dist)
> mds_dist <- as.vector(mds_dist)
> cor.test(original_text_dist, mds_dist)
Pearson's product-moment correlation
data: original_text_dist and mds_dist
t = 1834, df = 2388200, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
0.7641945 0.7652476
sample estimates: