I know the R function t.test
to perform the statistical test for the difference bewteen two means, is there any test for the difference between, say, the 95th percentile?
1 Answer
We can use quantile linear regression
to test for the quantile difference between two groups.
To show this, let's generate two groups of data: 500 samples of normal data with mean=0, and 500 samples with mean=10. Now we know that our true effect size is 10, and all t-test assumptions are valid.
# Libraries
# Simulate data
dim(df) # 1000 xx
# Set "Delta" (effect size)
# Explore
We start by noting that a 2-sample t.test:
# Compare means using a 2-sample t-test
# t = -100.64, df = 998, p-value < 2.2e-16
fit$estimate[2]-fit$estimate[1] # 10.18341 - Close to true Delta
can be reframed as a linear model:
# Compare means using a LM
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept) 0.003999 0.031998 0.125 0.901
# Group 10.183413 0.101188 100.638 <2e-16 ***
We achieve the exact same estimate, t-value, and p-value.
Least squares linear regression models the mean. We can extend this to quantile regression to model a given quantile. Let's compare medians:
# Compare medians using quantile linear regression
# Value Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept) 0.00643 0.03515 0.18292 0.85490
# Group 10.24291 0.11116 92.14371 0.00000
# Compare against simple statistics
median(df[Group==0,value]) # 0.005802855 - Very close to estimated intercept
median(df[Group==1,value]) # 10.25729
10.25729 - 0.005802855 # 10.25149 - Very close to estimated Delta
The model results compare well against a simple check of univariate statistics.
Likewise, we can compare extreme quantiles like 0.90:
# Compare 90th percentile
# Value Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# (Intercept) 1.28681 0.04413 29.15848 0.00000
# Group 9.99919 0.13956 71.65002 0.00000
# Compare against simple statistics
quantile(df[Group==0,value],tau) # 1.286451 - Very close to estimated intercept
quantile(df[Group==1,value],tau) # 11.2839
11.2839 - 1.286451 # 9.997449 - Very close to estimated Delta
Some important notes:
Please explore the different se
options for summary.rq()
. The reported p-values can vary widely depending on the option selected. The iid
option is less conservative than the default option.
This example worked well with a large sample size (n=1000). I repeated this same exercise on the sleep
dataset (n=20) and achieved less clear results, especially for extreme quantiles (tau>0.9 | tau<0.1). This isn't surprising, given that extreme quantiles have a smaller breakdown point compared to central tendency statistics.
Finally, with rq()
it is very common to receive a warning message of "Solution may be nonunique". This is due to calculating medians from even sample sizes. One solution is to use method='fn'
. This may also help with smaller sample sizes, since method fn
interpolates and the default method br
does not. See this discussion from the package author.
to carry out a test of proportions? Or are you after something that compares a specific percentile of a known distribution? $\endgroup$