I am currently doing my Master thesis with evaluating my results in R. I am stuck on my analysis of my glm with quasipoisson. I am analysing influencing variables on the dormouse abundance in 2 types of forests (W = forests along the highway and WK for forests far away from roads) I get the following model output:
Since I am not very good in statistics, I have problems interpreting my result here.
- Was does the intercept exactly mean?
- how can I form the regression function and how would it look like?
- Can I say that e.g. with an increase of cover open, the dormouse abundance increases at a rate of 7.555275 (=estimate)?
- Can I validate my data using the McFadden Pseudo-R2 (pR2 function in my model output) to evaluate how good my model is and how much it explains of the variation?
I hope someone can help me here since I've been stuck on this for 2 weeks now.. Thanks a lot :)