I would like to know whether I can use AIC, or if the models have the same number of predictors, the log-likelihood, to compare logit vs probit vs cloglog models (fitted for instance with glmer or glmmTMB in R). The question could also be formulated: do the various link functions of these models scale the likelihood similarly (irrespectively of the software-dependent constant included in the likelihood)?
I feel that this question has been asked under various forms but not always answered directly (for instance here: Can I use AIC value for comparing logit and probit model where for each model the number of covariates are equal?) and I can find contrasted answers (for instance here someone suggests you can't: https://www.researchgate.net/post/AIC_of_glmer). So I am allowing myself to post this question here. Answers would certainly be helpful to me and hopefully others in the future. Thanks.