I’m working on panel data and want to use a “least squares dummy variable” (LSDV) approach, aka using factors to control for fixed effects rather than “within” differences.
I use a large set of indicators (many factor levels), so that normal OLS is relatively slow and the regression output is ugly. Therefore I explored the R-package lfe
. It provides the function felm
which “absorbs” factors (similar to Stats’s areg
I need to use robust standard errors (HC1 or so) since tests indicate that there might be heteroscedasticity.
This is not so flamboyant after all. However, I obtain odd results for the robust SEs (using felm
and huxreg
Here is an example:
library(sandwich) # for robust SEs
library(huxtable) # for tables
library(lfe) # "absorbe" FE Dummies with "felm"
library(ISLR) # Auto data
library(jtools) # for exporting summary
I) Let's compare felm
and lm
fe1 = felm(mpg~+cylinders+displacement | as.factor(year), data=Auto)
fe2 = lm(mpg~+cylinders+displacement + as.factor(year), data=Auto)
(1) (2)
cylinders -0.297 -0.297
(0.359) (0.359)
displacement -0.045 *** -0.045 ***
(0.006) (0.006)
(Intercept) 32.401 ***
So felm
and lm
yield the same results, just as expected.
As stated in the felm
docs (https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/lfe/versions/2.8-2/topics/felm), we can get robust SEs by calling:
summary(fe1, robust=T)
This is what I get:
Estimate Robust s.e t value Pr(>|t|)
cylinders -0.296565 0.350533 -0.846 0.398
displacement -0.045153 0.005994 -7.533 3.7e-13 ***
II) Let's get robust SEs:
Usually when I want to have robust SEs, I do something like this:
fe1_ro1 <- coeftest(fe1, vcov = vcovHC(fe1, type="HC1"))
fe2_ro1 <- coeftest(fe2, vcov = vcovHC(fe2, type="HC1"))
huxreg(fe1_ro1, fe2_ro1, number_format=6)
(1) (2)
cylinders -0.296565 -0.296565
(4.593215) (0.350533)
displacement -0.045153 -0.045153 ***
(0.078539) (0.005994)
(Intercept) 32.400736 ***
Consider the (robust) SEs of displacement
summary(fe1, robust=T)
= 0.005994,From
= 0.078539,- From
= 0.005994.
I think 0.005994 is correct, but I cannot work out from where the other value (0.07) comes!
III) Try to pass summary() into regression table:
It appears that felm
got the robust SEs right when using summary(fe1, robust=T)
. So I try to pass this result into a proper regression table.
I try export_summs()
from jtools
export_summs(fe1, fe2, model.names = c("felm","lm"), robust = TRUE, number_format=6)
felm lm
cylinders -0.296565 -0.296565
(0.358947) (0.359817)
displacement -0.045153 *** -0.045153 ***
(0.005891) (0.006158)
(Intercept) 32.400736 ***
It turnes out that the SEs for displacement
using lm
in the table above (0.006158) correspond to HC3 errors.
coeftest(fe2, vcov = vcovHC(fe2, type="HC3"))
So far, so good.
However, the SEs for displacement
using felm
(0.005891) are again different, and I do not see where they come from.
(Trying coeftest(fe1, vcov = vcovHC(fe1, type="HC3"))
yields an error Error in 1 - diaghat : non-numeric argument to binary operator
IV) So here are my questions:
- My stance is that robust SEs should be the same under
. Is this correct or do I miss some important argument here? - If correct: How can I display correct robust SEs from
in a proper (publication ready) regression table (in MS Word format) similar tohuxreg
? - Finally and probably most important to me: Is there any alternative
), viz. a command which allows to “absorb” a larger set of indicator variables to make LSDV workable?