I'm running a two way repeated measures ANOVA, and I'm having trouble finding what is the appropriate output to report (Contrasts vs Pairwise Comparisons).
I have a 2x5 design. Lets say I have Variable 1(group 1 and 2) and Variable 2 (groups a,b,c,d,e). I want to assess whether there is a difference in means based on separating data by variable 1 (group 1 vs group 2), variable 2 (a vs b vs c vs d vs e), or an interaction of both (1a vs 1b..etc).
However, I am haven't found much written on whether within-subject contrasts or pairwise comparisons are more appropriate to report after I found significant differences.
For instance, I found that means are significantly different between groups a,b,c,d,e. However, I now want to know WHERE the difference is (for instance is a larger b, etc).