The standard mutual information (MI) is given by $$I(X;Y) = H(X) + H(Y) - H(XY)$$ which is the amount of information shared by the two random variables $X$ and $Y$.
According to wikipedia article, the multivariate mutual information (MMI) in 3D case is defined as $$I(X;Y;Z) = H(X) + H(Y) + H(Z) - H(XY) - H(XZ) - H(YZ) + H(XYZ)$$ which is the gray core of the 3-circle Venn diagram in the article.
I am interested in a related metric I derived using naive extrapolation of the 2D case. I will call it $J$ since I don't know how it is called or if it has a name.
$$J(X;Y;Z)= H(X) + H(Y) + H(Z) - H(XYZ)$$
My metric $J$ would cover the whole core, excluding only the information that is unique to each variable alone. This metric makes sense to me, because it is non-negative and is only zero if all variables are independent.
- Does $J$ already have a name in the literature?
- I have some multidimensional data. My null hypothesis is that all variables are completely independent. Is $J > \epsilon(N)$ a good test for this purpose? Under null hypothesis $J = 0$, but I assume it should be compared to some correction $\epsilon(N)$ due to finite data size $N$
- I notice that $J(X;Y;Z)$ double-counts the core $I(X;Y;Z)$. Thus, perhaps it is meaningful to define the variable $K(X;Y;Z) = J(X;Y;Z)-I(X;Y;Z)$. Does this variable have a name?