create some sort of distribution plot (boxplot, violin plot) with all of the ages shown discretely on the x axis. you can examine that to see if there are shifts in the mean, or in the variance. that would give you some idea on what kind of bins you could try. Then you can just try it out both ways.
Sometimes, there would be theoretical reasons to bin or not bin (or more generally, to leave as one continuous variable or to recode in some way). Take something like alcohol consumption. Here in the US the legal drinking age is 21-- there's probably a break point there. At 18 students go to college and there's probably a shift there too. So you would probably not want to use age strictly as a continuous variable if your response was alcohol consumption.
For a disease: the aging process that might change our probability of getting a disease doesn't usually happen in sudden shifts, therefore, I would tend to start with a continuous variable. However, the impact of age may not be strictly linear-- being one year older might matter more if you're 39 than if you're 22. So binning may still be something you need to try, or adding the square of the age or something like that.