I have minibatch gradient descent code in Tensorflow for function approximation, but I am unsure when to calculate the loss. First, I create batches for x and y data. Then, I shuffle both these batches every epoch. I work with 2 lists, train_batch_loss is used to store train losses for each batch, so I can then take the average over all batches and append it to the train_loss list. My code looks like this
train_loss = []
for epoch in range(number_of_epochs):
x_train_batches, y_train_batches = createBatches(batch_size, Xdata, Ydata)
number_of_batches = len(x_train_batches)
x_train_batches = shuffle(x_train_batches)
y_train_batches = shuffle(y_train_batches)
train_batch_loss = []
for batch in range(number_of_batches):
t = sess.run([training], feed_dict = {X:x_train_batches[batch],Y:y_train_batches[batch]})
train_batch_loss.append(sess.run(cost_function, feed_dict = {X:x_train_batches[batch],Y:y_train_batches[batch]}))
Is this the correct way to calculate losses for minibatch GD?