Where did you read that it uses q = 2? Here, q should be the number of variables in the jth group. If each covariate is its own group of size 1, then the group lasso reduces to the lasso. If they are all treated as a single large group, it reduces to ridge regression.
The objective function for the group lasso is more properly written as
$\left\| y - \sum _ { g = 1 } ^ {G } X _ { g } \beta _ { g } \right\| _ { 2 } ^ { 2 } \ + \ \lambda \sum _ {g = 1 } ^ { G } \left\| \beta _ { g } \right\| _ { q_ { g } }$.
Note the use of letters here is arbitrary of course. I like to use G/g for designating the group terms.
Basically the penalty term reduces to the L2 norm on the q coefficients within the gth group, so it doesn't perform variable selection within the groups. However, the penalty term ends up being the sum of the norms for each group, so this is just the same as the lasso penalty having p predictors in its penalty term, $\sum_{p = 1}^P \left\| \beta_p \right\|^{1/P}$. Hence you can see why the group lasso reduces to the lasso if the number of groups G = p.
The sparse group lasso on the other hand can perform variable selection within groups.
$\left\| y - \sum _ { g = 1 } ^ {G } X _ { g } \beta _ { g } \right\| _ { 2 } ^ { 2 } \ \ + \ \ (1 - \alpha) \lambda \sum _ {g = 1 } ^ { G } \left\| \beta _ { g } \right\| _ { q_ { g }} \ \ + \ \ \alpha \lambda\sum_{p = 1}^P \left\| \beta_p \right\|^{1/P}$
This requires the determination of an additional parameter $\alpha$ which controls the balance of individual-parameter L1 penalties and the group penalty. This makes it extremely similar to the elastic net. If you let G = 1 such that all parameters are part of the same group, this reduces to the elastic net just as the group lasso reduces to the ridge when G = 1. And if each coefficient is its own group such that G = p I suppose you'd have a double lasso!