I am currently working with cluster analysis and am trying to create clusters based on the important variables. My data consists of both categorical and continuous variables thus I have used the Gower
distance measure to dissimilarities/similarities between observations, then I applied the PAM
algorithm for clustering. I would like to know which variables are the best for my clusters I was going to use Random Forest
but I have never used this technique before and would like to understand a bit better how it works and if it is the right technique to use. Below is the coding I have used in R:
#clearing all variables
library(cluster) # for gower similarity and pam
library(Rtsne) # for visualization in lower dimension
library(factoextra) #clustering algorithms and visualization
library(tidyverse) # for sampling
#Getting the data
df <- read.csv(file.choose())
#selecting Reg.Cust only
RegularCust <- df[Type =="Regular",]
sample20 <- RegularCust %>% sample_frac(0.10)
#selecting continuous and categorical vars
sample20vars <- data.frame(sample20$serv,sample20$equip,sample20$address,sample20$city,sample20$zones,sample20$compe, sample20$OfferPrice,sample20$Finalprice,sample20$P_number,sample20$TV,sample20$T1, sample20$T2,sample20$Down,sample20$Up)
gower_dist <- daisy(sample20vars, metric = "gower")
gower_mat <- as.matrix(gower_dist)
#Print Most Similar Clients
sample20vars[which(gower_mat == min(gower_mat[gower_mat != min(gower_mat)]), arr.ind = TRUE)[1, ], ]
#Print Most dissimilar clients
sample20vars[which(gower_mat == max(gower_mat[gower_mat != max(gower_mat)]), arr.ind = TRUE)[1, ], ]
#finding the most optimal number of clusters
sil_width <- c(NA)
for(i in 2:8){
pam_fit <- pam(gower_dist, diss = TRUE, k = i)
sil_width[i] <- pam_fit$silinfo$avg.width
plot(1:8, sil_width,
xlab = "Number of clusters",
ylab = "Silhouette Width")
lines(1:8, sil_width)
#summary of each cluster
k <- 2
pam_fit <- pam(gower_dist, diss = TRUE, k)
pam_results <- sample20vars %>%
mutate(cluster = pam_fit$clustering) %>%
group_by(cluster) %>%
do(the_summary = summary(.))
tsne_obj <- Rtsne(gower_dist, is_distance = TRUE)
tsne_data <- tsne_obj$Y %>%
data.frame() %>%
setNames(c("X", "Y")) %>%
mutate(cluster = factor(pam_fit$clustering))
ggplot(aes(x = X, y = Y), data = tsne_data) +
geom_point(aes(color = cluster))
I hope someone can help with this as I am not sure if 2 clusters is the right amount of clusters and I wanted to check which are the best variables before doing clustering.