I have a discrete probability distribution with can take a large number of discrete values, say $x \in \{1,\ldots,N\}$. I know $p(x)$ for all these $x$. Typically, quite many of the values have a small probability $p(x)$, and are therefore not very relevant when I want to do further operations with this distribution (like computing the means for functions of $x$, but also other inferential operations). What I want to do is to approximate the distribution $p_0(x)$ by a distribution taking only $N_0 \ll N$ number of discrete values, which I can then use to get approximations to the various operations.
I have a few options:
1) Sampling with replacement from $p(x)$ until I get $N_0$ unique numbers, and then creating $p_0(x)$ based on the sampled frequencies of the unique $x$.
2) Just use $x$ with the $N_0$ largest probabilities, and set $p_0(x)$ proportional to $p(x)$ for those values.
I am pretty sure 1) would lead to unbiased estimates of say means etc., but it just feels very inefficient to throw away the original $p(x)$.
Method 2) feels much more efficient when computing say a mean, but I guess it being deterministic may lead to biased estimates.
Any thoughts about what would be the best approximation $p_0(x)$ to $p(x)$, taking only $N_0$ distinct values?
Any pointers to methods or literature to look into is also highly appreciated.
I will just add some additional information to my problem, which may or may not help you answer my question.
Let $S = \{1,\ldots,N\}$ and $S_0 \subset S$ be the subset of the approximate distribution taking $|S_0|=N_0$ unique values.
Although it is not the only thing I want to do, we can assume that for some function $h$, which is very expensive to evaluate, I want to estimate $E[h(X)] = \sum_{j=1}^N h(x=j)p(x=j)$ by $\sum_{j \in S_0} h(x=j)p_0(x=j)$ for some $S_0$ and $p_0$.
Further, $N=2^K$, where $K$ is the number of distinct probabilities that $p(x)$ takes. You may think of this as $K$ different groups of different sizes. The large groups have relatively small probabilities compared to the small groups. Note however, that the values $h(x)$ may in theory be very different within each group. Thus, just evaluating $h(x)$ for a single $x$ within each group, say, and using that value for all $x$ within that group, is probably not a good idea.
Without knowledge about $h$, I am thinking that I need an approximate distribution which "covers" as much of the original distribution as possible, that is an $S_0$ where $\sum_{x \in S_0} p(x)$ is as large as possible, and still being (close to) unbiased. I might be looking at this the wrong way though...