I can't seem to find a model to solve the following problem. It seems to be closely related to IRT, but not exactly.
I have a list of users and items, I know the preference between users and items, in the form of:
[user_1, item_1],
[user_2, item_1],
[user_2, item_4],
The data is fairly sparse; each user only has preference for a very small number of items.
I'd like to recover a mapping for both users and items on a number line, preferably with confidence intervals. The difference from IRT seems to be twofold:
Difference 1
I imagine the formulation to be some linear combination of user and item (or item-cutoff) mappings, for example:
$$ logit(P_{prefer}) = x_i - \delta_j $$
Where $x_i$ is the value of user $i$, and $\delta_j$ is the cutoff for item $j$. So if $x_i < \delta_j$, the probability is lower, and if $x_i > \delta_j$, the probability is higher.
But I really just want to minimize how "close" they are. I want to minimize $(x_i - \delta_j)^2$, for example.
Difference 2
The $\delta_j$ recovered from IRT are point estimates (in the 3PL model). Preferably, I'd like to recover both user and item mappings with confidence intervals.
If not IRT, I wonder if a mixed effects model could be used here? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.