This applies to a different case when you have binary outcomes. The z-test of proportions compares the proportions of those binary outcomes.
(Below some argument is made that you will be able to do a t-test, which for large numbers is approximately the same as the z-test. With proportions you can do a z-test because the binomial distribution has one parameter determining the variance and mean, unlike a normal distribution)
This will be possible but not really neccesary because of the Delta method which provides the error of your observed statistic more straightforward.
You are interested in the ratio of two, possibly correlated variables, 1. the total sales and 2. the sales in star items.
These variables are likely asymptotically normal distributed since they are the sums of the sales from many individuals (the testing procedure could be considered to be a process like picking a sample of sales from individual users from a distribution of sales from individual users). Thus you can use the Delta method.
The use of the Delta method for the estimation of ratio's is described here. The result of this application of the Delta method actually coincides with an approximation of Hinkley's result, an exact expression for the ratio of two correlated normal distributed variables (Hinkley D.V., 1969, On the Ratio of Two Correlated Normal Random Variables, Biometrica vol. 56 no. 3).
(Sidenote: As noted by Xi'an in the comments an earlier description of the exact expression was given by George Marsaglia 1965 in the JASA Vol. 60, No. 309. A simple modern description is given in 2006 in Jstatsoft Volume 16 Issue 4)
For $Z = \frac{X}{Y}$ with $$
\begin{bmatrix}X\\Y\end{bmatrix} \sim N\left(\begin{bmatrix} \mu_x \\ \mu_y \end{bmatrix} , \begin{bmatrix} \sigma_x^2 & \rho \sigma_x \sigma_y \\ \rho \sigma_x \sigma_y & \sigma_y^2 \end{bmatrix} \right)
$$ The exact result is: $$
f(z) = \frac{b(z)d(z)}{a(z)^3} \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi} \sigma_X\sigma_Y} \left[ \Phi \left( \frac{b(z)}{\sqrt{1-\rho^2}a(z)} \right) - \Phi \left( - \frac{b(z)}{\sqrt{1-\rho^2}a(z)} \right) \right] + \frac{\sqrt{1-\rho^2}}{\pi \sigma_X \sigma_Y a(z)^2} \exp \left( -\frac{c}{2(1-\rho^2)}\right)
$$ with $$ \begin{array}{}
a(z) &=& \left( \frac{z^2}{\sigma_X^2} - \frac{2 \rho z}{\sigma_X \sigma_Y} + \frac{1}{\sigma_Y^2} \right) ^{\frac{1}{2}} \\
b(z) &=& \frac{\mu_X z}{ \sigma_X^2} - \frac{\rho (\mu_X+ \mu_Y z)}{ \sigma_X \sigma_Y} + \frac{\mu_Y}{\sigma_Y^2} \\
c &=& \frac{\mu_X^2}{\sigma_Y^2} - \frac{2 \rho \mu_X \mu_Y + }{\sigma_X \sigma_Y} + \frac{\mu_Y^2}{\sigma_Y^2}\\
d(z) &=& \text{exp} \left( \frac {b(z)^2 - c a(z) ^2}{2(1-\rho^2)a(z)^2}\right)
And an approximation based on an assymptotic behaviour is: (for $\mu_Y/\sigma_Y \to \infty$): $$
F(z) \to \Phi\left( \frac{z - \mu_X/\mu_Y}{\sigma_X \sigma_Y a(z)/\mu_Y} \right)
You end up with the Delta method result when you insert the approximation $a(z) = a(\mu_X/\mu_Y)$ $$a(z) \sigma_X \sigma_Y /\mu_Y \approx a(\mu_X/\mu_Y) \sigma_X \sigma_Y /\mu_Y = \left( \frac{\mu_X^2\sigma_Y^2}{\mu_Y^4} - \frac{2 \mu_X \rho \sigma_X \sigma_Y}{\mu_Y^3} + \frac{\sigma_X^2}{\mu_Y^2} \right) ^{\frac{1}{2}}$$
The values for $\mu_X,\mu_Y,\sigma_X,\sigma_Y,\rho$ can be estimated from your observations which allow you to estimate the variance and mean of the distribution for single users and related to this the variance and mean for the sample distribution of the sum of several users.
I believe that it is interresting to do at least an intitial plot of the distribution of the sales (not the ratios) from the single users. Eventually you might end up with a situation that there is a difference between the users in group A and B, but it just happens to be not significant when you regard the single variable of the ratio (this is a bit similar to MANOVA being more powerfull than single ANOVA tests).
While the knowledge of a difference between groups, without a significant difference in the metric that you are interrested in, may not help you much in making decisions, it does help you in understanding the underlying theory and possibly design better changes/experiments next time.
Below is a simple illustration:
Let the hypothetical distribution of sales from users be distributed as fractions $a,b,c,d$ which indicate how many user are of a particular case (in reality this distribution will be more complex):
star item sales
0$ 40$
other item sales 0$ a b
10$ c d
Then the sample distribution for totals from a groups with 10000 users, with for one algorithm $$a=0.190,b=0.001,c=0.800,d=0.009$$ and the other algorithm $$a=0.170,b=0.001,c=0.820,d=0.009$$ will look like:
Which shows 10000 runs drawing new users and computing the sales and ratios. The histogram is for the distribution of the ratios. The lines are computations using the function from Hinkley.
- You can see that the distribution of the two total sales numbers is approximately a multivariate normal. The isolines for the ratio show that you can estimate the ratio very well as a linear sum (as in the previous mentioned/linked linearized Delta method) and that an approximation by a Gaussian distribution should work well (and then you can use a t-test which for large numbers will be just like a z-test).
- You can also see that a scatterplot like this might provide you with more information and insight in comparison to using only the histogram.
R-Code for computing the graph:
# function to sampling hypothetic n users
# which will buy star items and/or regular items
# star item sales
# 0$ 40$
# regular item sales 0$ a b
# 10$ c d
sample_users <- function(n,a,b,c,d) {
# sampling
q <- sample(1:4, n, replace=TRUE, prob=c(a,b,c,d))
# total dolar value of items
dri = (sum(q==3)+sum(q==4))*10
dsi = (sum(q==2)+sum(q==4))*40
# output
list(dri=dri,dsi=dsi,dti=dri+dsi, q=q)
# function for drawing those blocks for the tilted histogram
block <- function(phi=0.045+0.001/2, r=100, col=1) {
if (col == 1) {
bgs <- rgb(0,0,1,1/4)
cols <- rgb(0,0,1,1/4)
} else {
bgs <- rgb(1,0,0,1/4)
cols <- rgb(1,0,0,1/4)
angle <- c(atan(phi+0.001/2),atan(phi+0.001/2),atan(phi-0.001/2),atan(phi-0.001/2))
rr <- c(90000,90000+r,90000+r,90000)
x <- cos(angle)*rr
y <- sin(angle)*rr
block <- Vectorize(block)
# function to compute Hinkley's density formula
fw <- function(w,mu1,mu2,sig1,sig2,rho) {
#several parameters
aw <- sqrt(w^2/sig1^2 - 2*rho*w/(sig1*sig2) + 1/sig2^2)
bw <- w*mu1/sig1^2 - rho*(mu1+mu2*w)/(sig1*sig2)+ mu2/sig2^2
c <- mu1^2/sig1^2 - 2 * rho * mu1 * mu2 / (sig1*sig2) + mu2^2/sig2^2
dw <- exp((bw^2 - c*aw^2)/(2*(1-rho^2)*aw^2))
# output from Hinkley's density formula
out <- (bw*dw / ( sqrt(2*pi) * sig1 * sig2 * aw^3)) * (pnorm(bw/aw/sqrt(1-rho^2),0,1) - pnorm(-bw/aw/sqrt(1-rho^2),0,1)) +
sqrt(1-rho^2)/(pi*sig1*sig2*aw^2) * exp(-c/(2*(1-rho^2)))
fw <- Vectorize(fw)
# function to compute
# theoretic distribution for sample with parameters (a,b,c,d)
# lazy way to compute the mean and variance of the theoretic distribution
fwusers <- function(na,nb,nc,nd,n=10000) {
users <- c(rep(1,na),rep(2,nb),rep(3,nc),rep(4,nd))
dsi <- c(0,40,0,40)[users]
dri <- c(0,0,10,10)[users]
dti <- dsi+dri
sig1 <- sqrt(var(dsi))*sqrt(n)
sig2 <- sqrt(var(dti))*sqrt(n)
cor <- cor(dti,dsi)
mu1 <- mean(dsi)*n
mu2 <- mean(dti)*n
w <- seq(0,1,0.001)
f <- fw(w,mu1,mu2,sig1,sig2,cor)
list(w=w,f=f,sig1 = sig1, sig2=sig2, cor = cor, mu1= mu1, mu2 = mu2)
# sample many ntr time to display sample distribution of experiment outcome
ntr <- 10^4
# sample A
dsi1 <- rep(0,ntr)
dti1 <- rep(0,ntr)
for (i in 1:ntr) {
users <- sample_users(10000,0.19,0.001,0.8,0.009)
dsi1[i] <- users$dsi
dti1[i] <- users$dti
# sample B
dsi2 <- rep(0,ntr)
dti2 <- rep(0,ntr)
for (i in 1:ntr) {
users <- sample_users(10000,0.19-0.02,0.001,0.8+0.02,0.009)
dsi2[i] <- users$dsi
dti2[i] <- users$dti
# hiostograms for ratio
ratio1 <- dsi1/dti1
ratio2 <- dsi2/dti2
h1<-hist(ratio1, breaks = seq(0, round(max(ratio2+0.04),2), 0.001))
h2<-hist(ratio2, breaks = seq(0, round(max(ratio2+0.04),2), 0.001))
# plotting
plot(0, 0,
xlab = "sum of total sales", ylab = "sum of star item sales",
xlim = c(82000,92000),
ylim = c(2500,6000),
pch=21, col = rgb(0,0,1,1/10), bg = rgb(0,0,1,1/10))
title("sample distribution for sum of 10 000 users")
# isolines
brks <- seq(0, round(max(ratio2+0.02),2), 0.001)
for (ls in 1:length(brks)) {
# scatter points
points(dti1, dsi1,
pch=21, col = rgb(0,0,1,1/10), bg = rgb(0,0,1,1/10))
points(dti2, dsi2,
pch=21, col = rgb(1,0,0,1/10), bg = rgb(1,0,0,1/10))
# diagonal axis
phi <- atan(h1$breaks)
r <- 90000
# histograms
phi <- h1$mids
r <- h1$density*10
phi <- h2$mids
r <- h2$density*10
# labels for histogram axis
phi <- atan(h1$breaks)[1+10*c(1:7)]
r <- 90000
text(cos(atan(0.045))*r-400,sin(atan(0.045))*r,"ratio of sum of star items and sum of total items", srt=-87.5,cex=0.9)
# plotting functions for Hinkley densities using variance and means estimated from theoretic samples distribution
wf1 <- fwusers(190,1,800,9,10000)
wf2 <- fwusers(170,1,820,9,10000)
rf1 <- 90000+10*wf1$f
phi1 <- atan(wf1$w)
rf2 <- 90000+10*wf2$f
phi2 <- atan(wf2$w)