I want to perform a mixed regression analysis with random intercept and uncorrelated random slope after multiple imputation.
The dependent variable is continuous, namely a duration as number of days (‘days’).
A lot of observations have the value 0 as you can the following table()
-output depicts:
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 19 20 24 29 35 38 56
220 1 8 2 199 128 35 8 6 2 5 7 4 5 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
When I use a linear model
with(imp, lmer(days ~ binary_predictor + ... +
(1 | group) + (0 + binary_predictor | group)))
I get for 20 of 20 imputations the message “singular fit”.
Using qqp(days, "lnorm")
shows that the probability distributions fits quite well after logarithmic transformation. However, due to the “0”-values I have to increment days by 1 for regression analysis.
with(imp, lmer(log(days + 1) ~ binary_predictor + ... +
(1 | group) + (0 + binary_predictor | group)))
The resulting estimate for binary_predictoris is 0.595 with exp(0.596)
= 1.813031.
Unfortunately, the estimate differs if I increment days by 2. Its then exp(0.408)
= 1.503807.
Is there a way to account for the incrementation of days in the regression model? Or would you suggest another regression model instead?
I tried mixed Cox regression but the assumption of proportional hazards is violated.
UPDATE #1 after the answer of Dimitris Rizopoulos
Thanks for you answer.
After I found this website, I checked the fit of the probability distributions.
days.1 <- days + 1
days.int <- ceiling(days)
From the resulting plots I figured that lnorm would be the best probability distributions to use.
I also calculated a Poisson model
with(imp, glmer(days.int ~ binary_predictor + ... +
(1 | group) + (0 + binary_predictor | group)), family=poisson ))
which lead to this result:
Estimate Std.Error t.value df P(>|t|) RIV FMI
(Intercept) 0.167 0.190 0.879 5911.367 0.380 0.060 0.057
binary_predictor 1.037 0.178 5.814 74393.785 0.000 0.016 0.016
Unfortunately, I do not know how to interpret the estimate of the Poisson model. Is it in days or some kind of ratio?
exp(1.037) -> 2.820742
The result of the log-linear model
with(imp, lmer(log(days + 1) ~ binary_predictor + ... +
(1 | group) + (0 + binary_predictor | group)))
is quite diferent
Estimate Std.Error t.value df P(>|t|) RIV FMI
(Intercept) 0.494 0.180 2.745 551034.661 0.006 0.006 0.006
binary_predictor 0.595 0.158 3.763 4528779.275 0.000 0.002 0.002
exp(0.595) -> 1.813031