I have many (n=317,823) observations on two variables. I want to fit a bivariate distribution to my observations, in order to identify descriptive features of the distribution (quantiles). However, my data do not appear normal or log-normal and I haven't found a package on the relevant CRAN task view that can help me. I am hoping to learn:
- if there is an existing workflow to fit a somewhat idiosyncratic pdf like the one below
- whether I am 'asking the wrong question' given my weak math skills. Maybe there is an easier way to approach my problem.
Context: my data originate from satellite observations of forest harvest around the world. For a randomly selected subset of these observations (1 pixel/100km2) I have sampled two global raster layers, one showing forest canopy height and one showing time to access cities. I believe that these are two observable aspects (height, accessibility) of a multidimensional distribution of 'forest quality', which contains many other unbelievable aspects (e.g., species composition). I am trying to characterize the joint distribution so that I may categorize subsequent observations of forest harvest as falling within particular (joint) quantiles.
Sampling data plotted in base via table()
and persp()
Data are strictly positive by construction...and that's a funny looking (asymmetrical) pdf. Clearly the long tail is important. I used the excellent r package {fitdistrplus}
to look at each variable separately, following the vignette.
Some diagnostic results for dimension 'height':
...and for dimension 'accessibility to cities':
The first looks like it could be described by a log-normal or gamma, and the second by gamma...possible a bivariate gamma distribution could fit the joint density well?
Current approach (my best option) is to accept the (large) inaccuracy and model the joint distribution as log-normal, e.g. by taking logs of both variables and fitting with package fMultivar
, and then attempting to work out isolines as described in this post.
here are two downsampled versions of the dataset, obtained as data[sample(nrow(data),round(nrow(data)/scale)),]
, with scale=10 ("medium") or 100 ("small")