I am conducting a meta-analysis and I am struggling with the random structure when there is a continuous moderator and a nested random term. Starting with a simple example:
dat<- dat.konstantopoulos2011
dat$year <-rnorm(nrow(dat))
dat$yi <- dat$yi + dat$year/3 + dat$district/200
dat$study <- factor(dat$study)
This dataset has 11 districts, with 3-11 studies per district. There is one effect size per study. dat$yi
are the effect sizes, which correlate with the continous moderator dat$year
(slope 0.33) and have varying intercepts for the 11 districts. Is the following model correct?
rma.mv(yi ~ year, vi, random = ~ 1 | district/study, data=dat)
I just want to clarify because the usual model in ecology would be:
lme(yi ~ year, random = ~1|district, data=dat) #and VarFixed (~ vi), lmecontrol (sigma=1)
corresponding in metafor to
rma.mv(yi ~ age, vi, random = ~ 1 | district, data=dat)
I can intuitively understand that we usually do not want to have all variance ending up in the “study” term, but that this is different in a meta-analysis were variances are known exactly. Just want to make sure that the nesting of study in district is correct.
My actual data for the meta-analysis is a bit more complicated. It consists of effect sizes (mean diapause date) from 447 populations, extracted from 57 studies. The 57 studies were conducted on 46 species of 32 genera in 9 orders. There is a single continuous moderator. A full random term would thus be order/genus/species/study/population
. I plan to drop the term study
, because there is almost always only one study per species, except for a few cases where the same authors conducted several studies with equal methods on the same species. I’m also thinking about dropping the term genus
, as most species come from different genera. This would make the random term order/species/population
with sample sizes of 9/46/447. Or would it be only order/species
? The model first seems fine, but to calculate an R² value I need to use a null model with the moderator dropped, and in that case the term order
suddenly explains zero variance. Here is the script so far (including access the raw data):
#load data
url <- getURL('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JensJoschi/variability_timing/master/lit_extract/mcmcresults.txt')
studies <- read.table(text=url, header = TRUE)
studies <- studies[,-c(2:4,6:18,23:25,28,30:32)]
r<-studies$upper_e-studies$lower_e #credible interval range
r[r<(1/6)]<-1/6 #prevents studies from getting infinite weight
vi<-r #CI should be (r / (2*1.96))^2 but perhaps this is sufficient for demonstration purposes
#Order, genus, spec, ID and popid are the terms for nesting, med_e the effect sizes,
#vi the variances, and degN is a moderator (latitude).
#Vi2 is a scaled inverse variance needed for glmmTMB.
plot(studies$med_e ~ studies$degN, pch=21, col=NA, bg = studies$order)
segments(x0=studies$degN,y0 = studies$med_e-vi/2, y1 = studies$med_e+vi/2,col=studies$order)
M<- rma.mv(med_e ~ degN, vi, random= ~ (1|order/spec/popid), data=studies)
M2<-glmmTMB(med_e~degN + (1|order/spec/popid),weights = vi2, data= studies, dispformula = ~0)
M3<-lme(med_e~degN, random = ~1|order/spec/popid, weights = varFixed(~vi), data= studies, control = lmeControl(sigma=1))
#null models
M_null<- rma.mv(med_e, vi, random= ~ (1|order/spec/popid), data=studies)
M2_null<-glmmTMB(med_e ~1 + (1|order/spec/popid),weights = vi2, data= studies, dispformula = ~0)
M3_null<-lme(med_e~1, random = ~1|order/spec/popid, weights = varFixed(~vi), data= studies, control = lmeControl(sigma=1))
c(coef(M)[2], summary(M2)$coefficients$cond[2,1], M3$coefficients$fixed[2])
VarCorr(M2) #order reversed in comparison to the other 2
# R² values (metafor only)
(M_null$sigma2-M$sigma2)/M_null$sigma2 # -4435754, 0.67 and 0.79
(sum(M_null$sigma2)-sum(M$sigma2))/sum(M_null$sigma2) #0.54
I now wonder about the 0 variance term of order
. Is this because popid should not be part of the random term, or did I do something else fundamentally wrong in my models? Given that the models are correct, can I use the R²-values (reporting as 0, 0.67 and 0.79; and 0.54 overall)?
Lastly, I wonder why glmmTMB
always gives different estimates, no matter which random terms I use. Is there something wrong with my use of the function? I will need it later because one of my effect sizes is beta- distributed. I would really appreciate if someone with more expertise could check the models.
Further background on the study is here