I'm working with the following data frame using R. It consists of measurements obtained from 7 subjects with two independent variables (IV1
and IV2
) with two levels each (OFF/ON, ALT/ISO, respectively):
Subject DV IV1 IV2
1 2.567839 OFF ALT
1 58.708027 ON ALT
1 44.504265 OFF ISO
1 109.555701 ON ISO
2 99.043735 OFF ALT
2 75.958737 ON ALT
2 182.727396 OFF ISO
2 364.725795 ON ISO
3 45.788988 OFF ALT
3 52.941263 ON ALT
3 54.719013 OFF ISO
3 41.909909 ON ISO
4 116.145279 OFF ALT
4 162.927971 ON ALT
4 34.162077 OFF ISO
4 74.029748 ON ISO
5 114.412913 OFF ALT
5 121.127983 ON ALT
5 192.379708 OFF ISO
5 229.192453 ON ISO
6 213.421076 OFF ALT
6 526.739206 ON ALT
6 150.596812 OFF ISO
6 217.931951 ON ISO
7 117.931273 OFF ALT
7 102.467813 ON ALT
7 57.823062 OFF ISO
7 85.181033 ON ISO
(1) Is this a repeated measures (RM) design? Some folks have mentioned that it is not since it isn't a longitudinal study, but I thought that as long as there are measurements from each experimental unit for every single level of a factor, one can say this as a RM design. What is correct? Also, is an RM design synonymous with having a within-subject factor?
(2) I'm interested in both the main and the interaction effects of IV1
and IV2
, but due to having measurements from each subject for all level combinations, I think I have to include Subject
as a random effect. I have looked at aov and lmer but I'm confused about the difference in syntax:
This cheat sheet recommends:
m1 <- aov(DV ~ IV1 * IV2 + Error(Subject / (IV1 * IV2)), myData)
However it's not clear to me whether Error(x / (y * z))
means x is a random effect and y and z are nested in x. Is this interpretation correct? If so, would m1
be inappropriate for my data since my data isn't nested, but fully crossed? And if so, would
m2 <- aov(DV ~ IV1 * IV2 + Error(Subject), myData)
be the correct syntax? I have also been told that in m2
the Error
term should be dropped - is this correct?
(3) In a previous question I was told the linear mixed effects model
m3 <- lmer(DV ~ IV1 * IV2 + (1 | Subject), myData)
was appropriate more my data. Just to better understand lmer syntax: if I had n subjects and for each subject measurements were obtained for both levels of IV2
but half of the subjects were OFF
and the other half ON
, would the model be
m4 <- lmer(DV ~ IV1 * IV2 + (1 | Subject / IV1), data = myData)
? And if there was only one measurement per IV1*IV2
combination, would that mean this is no longer a repeated-measures design and therefore the model is just
m5 <- lmer(DV ~ IV1 * IV2, data = myData)
? In which case lm
would probably suffice.
Error(Subject / (IV1 * IV2))
is a correctaov
syntax for two-way RM-ANOVA. In the two-way RM-ANOVA, nothing is nested: the two factors (IV1 and IV2) are crossed, as you correctly say. Nevertheless, this is the correct syntax. Yourm2
model does not correspond to the classical two-way RM-ANOVA. (3)m3
recommended by @RobertLong is a reasonable model for this design. However, it's not the most flexible model possible. [cont.] $\endgroup$(IV1+IV2 | Subject)
random term or even(IV1*IV2 | Subject)
if you have multiple measurements per IV1/IV2 combination. This is a rather complicated model with 4*4 random covariance matrix. So there are several ways to simplify/restrict it.m3
corresponds to the maximal simplification. One intermediate specification is(1|subject)+(1|subject:IV1)+(1|subject:IV2)
. This corresponds to RM-ANOVA. This has the same specification as if IV1 and IV2 were random and nested withinsubject
, but this is just a coincidence. Here they are fixed. [cont.] $\endgroup$m4
are completely off and show that you don't understand the logic of mixed models very well. I'd recommend to read some more systematic introduction to mixed models if you plan to use them. $\endgroup$