Suppose we have $T_i,i=1..n$ i.i.d. with unknown distribution and we want to estimate $E[T]$. Note that in this setting we are not estimating E[T] as a parameter of a parameter-dependent family of distributions, therefore it is difficult to attach a meaning to a likelyhood function:
as it would be done when for example estimating $\mu$ from maximum likelyhood, knowing that the underlying distribution is Gaussian.
Again what we would probably do is computing $\overline{T}=\frac{1}{n}\sum_i T_i$. And we would be sure that the estimator would be consistent and its variance would go to zero. For example we have trivially:
supposing that $T_i$ has finite variance.
Here is the question: can we prove that $\overline{T}$ is optimal in some way? To me conceptes from MLE estimators or sufficient statistics are a bit difficult to apply, since $E[T]$ is not a parameter of the distribution but maybe I am missing something? Can we "derive" the sample mean estimator to be optimal according to some criterion in the general case and without making assumptions on the underlying distributions ?