I am aware of a variety of methods for simultaneously predicting multiple outcomes known sometimes as multivariate regression/analysis. However, my situation is a little more special. I am trying to predict a vector of values and where each part ranges from 0-1, and the sum of the vector must be equal to 1. A typical example of this would be population fractions of exclusive groups.
The most simple approach to this I can think of is to use OLS and rescale the predictions so they do not violate data structure. Here's an example using R and US state population data.
> #packages
> suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(tidyverse))
> suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(poliscidata))
> suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(rms))
> suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(magrittr))
> d = states
> #recode
> d$black = d$blkpct10 / 100
> d$hispanic = d$hispanic10 / 100
> d$white = 1 - d$black - d$hispanic
> #test sums
> rowSums(d %>% select(black, hispanic, white))
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
46 47 48 49 50
1 1 1 1 1
> #regression
> #using 4 variables
> #OLS
> (ols_black = ols(black ~ abortion_rank12 + ba_or_more + cig_tax12 + conserv_advantage, data = d))
Linear Regression Model
ols(formula = black ~ abortion_rank12 + ba_or_more + cig_tax12 +
conserv_advantage, data = d)
Model Likelihood Discrimination
Ratio Test Indexes
Obs 50 LR chi2 4.81 R2 0.092
sigma0.0958 d.f. 4 R2 adj 0.011
d.f. 45 Pr(> chi2) 0.3068 g 0.033
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.11768 -0.06635 -0.03056 0.05120 0.25075
Coef S.E. t Pr(>|t|)
Intercept 0.2077 0.1505 1.38 0.1744
abortion_rank12 -0.0016 0.0013 -1.28 0.2063
ba_or_more 0.0000 0.0042 0.00 0.9970
cig_tax12 -0.0209 0.0211 -0.99 0.3272
conserv_advantage -0.0014 0.0024 -0.56 0.5803
> (ols_hispanic = ols(hispanic ~ abortion_rank12 + ba_or_more + cig_tax12 + conserv_advantage, data = d))
Linear Regression Model
ols(formula = hispanic ~ abortion_rank12 + ba_or_more + cig_tax12 +
conserv_advantage, data = d)
Model Likelihood Discrimination
Ratio Test Indexes
Obs 50 LR chi2 3.11 R2 0.060
sigma0.1010 d.f. 4 R2 adj -0.023
d.f. 45 Pr(> chi2) 0.5400 g 0.028
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.13098 -0.05541 -0.02833 0.02041 0.34087
Coef S.E. t Pr(>|t|)
Intercept 0.1112 0.1586 0.70 0.4869
abortion_rank12 0.0011 0.0013 0.87 0.3904
ba_or_more 0.0001 0.0044 0.01 0.9899
cig_tax12 -0.0069 0.0222 -0.31 0.7558
conserv_advantage -0.0014 0.0026 -0.56 0.5764
> (ols_white = ols(white ~ abortion_rank12 + ba_or_more + cig_tax12 + conserv_advantage, data = d))
Linear Regression Model
ols(formula = white ~ abortion_rank12 + ba_or_more + cig_tax12 +
conserv_advantage, data = d)
Model Likelihood Discrimination
Ratio Test Indexes
Obs 50 LR chi2 1.29 R2 0.025
sigma0.1344 d.f. 4 R2 adj -0.061
d.f. 45 Pr(> chi2) 0.8635 g 0.024
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-0.29197 -0.11366 0.02988 0.08802 0.19163
Coef S.E. t Pr(>|t|)
Intercept 0.6811 0.2111 3.23 0.0023
abortion_rank12 0.0005 0.0018 0.26 0.7938
ba_or_more -0.0001 0.0059 -0.01 0.9903
cig_tax12 0.0278 0.0296 0.94 0.3517
conserv_advantage 0.0028 0.0034 0.82 0.4167
> #get predictions
> d$ols_black = predict(ols_black)
> d$ols_hispanic = predict(ols_hispanic)
> d$ols_white = predict(ols_white)
> #inspect predictions
> d %>% select(starts_with("ols")) %>% mutate(sum = rowSums(.))
ols_black ols_hispanic ols_white sum
1 0.08129250 0.10802760 0.8106799 1
2 0.11823321 0.08031043 0.8014564 1
3 0.14136889 0.07023172 0.7883994 1
4 0.13189772 0.07624972 0.7918526 1
5 0.10280396 0.15374533 0.7434507 1
6 0.12930893 0.11325306 0.7574380 1
7 0.06261715 0.13842026 0.7989626 1
8 0.11806119 0.12687147 0.7550673 1
9 0.11508647 0.10817106 0.7767425 1
10 0.15097533 0.08315063 0.7658740 1
11 0.06825851 0.13257364 0.7991678 1
12 0.09290831 0.11626503 0.7908267 1
13 0.12003177 0.09022122 0.7897470 1
14 0.09482377 0.12513629 0.7800399 1
15 0.14432113 0.07970917 0.7759697 1
16 0.14472842 0.08870156 0.7665700 1
17 0.14109725 0.09872039 0.7601824 1
18 0.15769332 0.06708056 0.7752261 1
19 0.09469234 0.14480432 0.7605033 1
20 0.09043738 0.14094802 0.7686146 1
21 0.10129247 0.11791403 0.7807935 1
22 0.12064080 0.10132318 0.7780360 1
23 0.11602388 0.11910634 0.7648698 1
24 0.16377700 0.09077838 0.7454446 1
25 0.12524587 0.07730750 0.7974466 1
26 0.07060243 0.10921933 0.8201782 1
27 0.12703322 0.11021081 0.7627560 1
28 0.13367696 0.07430030 0.7920227 1
29 0.15029178 0.07798233 0.7717259 1
30 0.10685246 0.12199943 0.7711481 1
31 0.07058313 0.13901865 0.7903982 1
32 0.09142246 0.12212662 0.7864509 1
33 0.10757628 0.12890212 0.7635216 1
34 0.03493501 0.13189804 0.8331670 1
35 0.13176324 0.09598102 0.7722557 1
36 0.14334473 0.06494498 0.7917103 1
37 0.10788090 0.14958898 0.7425301 1
38 0.14930675 0.08299583 0.7676974 1
39 0.09010154 0.12273524 0.7871632 1
40 0.12960586 0.09186749 0.7785267 1
41 0.12586666 0.08545994 0.7886734 1
42 0.12252536 0.09645709 0.7810176 1
43 0.12473591 0.08529285 0.7899712 1
44 0.09099896 0.08246437 0.8265367 1
45 0.16097493 0.09583502 0.7431901 1
46 0.07564659 0.14598479 0.7783686 1
47 0.05854270 0.14244206 0.7990152 1
48 0.09670796 0.09239404 0.8108980 1
49 0.10933095 0.10965351 0.7810155 1
50 0.09307565 0.09622426 0.8107001 1
> #fit accuracies
> d %>% select(starts_with("ols"), black, hispanic, white) %>% cor() %>% .[1:3, 4:6]
black hispanic white
ols_black 0.3029909 -0.17497676 -0.08992821
ols_hispanic -0.2159748 0.24547482 -0.02824165
ols_white -0.1708902 -0.04347992 0.15944403
> #multivariate OLS
> (ols_joint = ols(cbind(black, hispanic, white) ~ abortion_rank12 + ba_or_more, data = d))
Linear Regression Model
ols(formula = cbind(black, hispanic, white) ~ abortion_rank12 +
ba_or_more, data = d)
Model Likelihood Discrimination
Ratio Test Indexes
Obs 150 LR chi2 342.38 R2 0.898
sigma0.1911 d.f. 8 R2 adj 0.892
d.f. 141 Pr(> chi2) 0.0000 g 0.314
black hispanic white
Min -0.12063 -0.12726 -0.28038
1Q -0.06388 -0.05599 -0.10255
Median -0.03327 -0.02423 0.04949
3Q 0.05821 0.01528 0.09565
Max 0.24543 0.34242 0.18706
Coef S.E. t Pr(>|t|)
[1,] 0.1552 0.1636 0.95 0.3442
[2,] -0.0018 0.0022 -0.82 0.4133
[3,] 0.0001 0.0067 0.02 0.9868
[4,] 0.0384 0.1636 0.23 0.8146
[5,] 0.0013 0.0022 0.62 0.5392
[6,] 0.0012 0.0067 0.18 0.8549
[7,] 0.8063 0.1636 4.93 <0.0001
[8,] 0.0004 0.0022 0.21 0.8378
[9,] -0.0013 0.0067 -0.20 0.8419
> #predictions
> d$joint_ols_black = predict(ols_joint)[, 1]
> d$joint_ols_hispanic = predict(ols_joint)[, 2]
> d$joint_ols_white = predict(ols_joint)[, 3]
> #inspect predictions
> d %>% select(starts_with("joint_ols")) %>% mutate(sum = rowSums(.))
joint_ols_black joint_ols_hispanic joint_ols_white sum
1 0.09555303 0.11815034 0.7862966 1
2 0.12188779 0.09234947 0.7857627 1
3 0.15017948 0.06705244 0.7827681 1
4 0.14913609 0.07664226 0.7742216 1
5 0.07086325 0.14100841 0.7881283 1
6 0.11448727 0.11617229 0.7693404 1
7 0.07865753 0.14265444 0.7786880 1
8 0.10473606 0.11402244 0.7812415 1
9 0.11151654 0.10446698 0.7840165 1
10 0.14218850 0.08435132 0.7734602 1
11 0.08335854 0.13124113 0.7854003 1
12 0.09180628 0.11898908 0.7892046 1
13 0.11851983 0.09737339 0.7841068 1
14 0.09420884 0.12441664 0.7813745 1
15 0.14521110 0.07551151 0.7792774 1
16 0.13883168 0.08949833 0.7716700 1
17 0.12714583 0.08709083 0.7857633 1
18 0.15582745 0.06610206 0.7780705 1
19 0.08789627 0.13914201 0.7729617 1
20 0.08224830 0.14009239 0.7776593 1
21 0.10274571 0.11314933 0.7841050 1
22 0.12575708 0.09286476 0.7813782 1
23 0.10862763 0.11478390 0.7765885 1
24 0.14372208 0.08017760 0.7761003 1
25 0.13056949 0.08268238 0.7867481 1
26 0.08490326 0.12719051 0.7879062 1
27 0.10986041 0.10728667 0.7828529 1
28 0.13662966 0.08628645 0.7770839 1
29 0.14754681 0.08020051 0.7722527 1
30 0.10152407 0.12076966 0.7777063 1
31 0.07674517 0.14264299 0.7806118 1
32 0.09003875 0.12057784 0.7893834 1
33 0.08785901 0.11761214 0.7945288 1
34 0.07293158 0.14274317 0.7843252 1
35 0.12928101 0.08956415 0.7811548 1
36 0.15418246 0.06904484 0.7767727 1
37 0.07973434 0.13343390 0.7868318 1
38 0.15280485 0.07494186 0.7722533 1
39 0.10672641 0.11489554 0.7783781 1
40 0.12393384 0.09383805 0.7822281 1
41 0.13476186 0.08676737 0.7784708 1
42 0.11662975 0.09760812 0.7857621 1
43 0.13301661 0.08860231 0.7783811 1
44 0.11545267 0.10572082 0.7788265 1
45 0.14112283 0.09369495 0.7651822 1
46 0.07479938 0.14226225 0.7829384 1
47 0.06919598 0.14370501 0.7870990 1
48 0.12051018 0.09824650 0.7812433 1
49 0.09809657 0.10401752 0.7978859 1
50 0.09703090 0.11336115 0.7896079 1
> #accuracies
> d %>% select(starts_with("joint_ols"), black, hispanic, white) %>% cor() %>% .[1:3, 4:6]
black hispanic white
joint_ols_black 0.2679728 -0.22508994 -0.02574528
joint_ols_hispanic -0.2605606 0.23149306 0.01537504
joint_ols_white -0.1416356 0.07306988 0.04870974
Thus, in my case, as far as I understand, the OLS does not actually know the values must range from 0-1, and sum to 1, yet this somehow happens with the data when doing regressions one by one, as well as in the joint OLS (i.e. multivariate regression).
My questions are:
- How does one generally model outcomes that have a specified range, such as 0-1? This is somewhat different from modeling binary data because while in that case the predictions must be within 0-1 (when transformed from logits), the training data is not binary in this case.
- In general, how does one force outcome constraints such as the sum=1 in the above case?
- How does OLS know in the above code not to output inappropriate values?
I imagine the above issues can be approached with explicit Bayesian approaches where the priors reflect the outcome ranges, though not sure how one would handle the sum constraint. Is there a frequentist approach as well?
Stephan Kolassa points to this prior question, which also concerns the issue of proportional data, also called compositional data. However, it differs from the present question in that the question concerns time series data, whereas the present does not, and that I'm explicitly interested in retaining modeling on the proportional data, whereas the approach in the answer question is to transform the data. I am essentially looking for e.g. links to R packages (or maybe Python) that enable modeling on proportional data and predictions on the same scale.